Line 6 HD500X Clip: Star Spangled Banner


Master Member
I was blessed to have been invited to perform the Star Spangled Banner on the guitar on Friday, August 1st at World Vision USA's annual summer picnic, which was held in the parking lot at our U.S. Headquarters.
I used my TFS6 guitar and my Line 6 Pod HD500X. I played it in A major, and the preset that I created uses not one but two separate models of the Eventide H3000 Harmonizer. I used the 1st harmony for a 3rd above activated by Footswitch #2, and the other for a 3rd below activated by Footswitch #3. The amp models used were the Bogner Uberschall. You can download the preset here:
and it will work on the HD, HD500, HD500X as far as I know.
That was pretty cool.

I read somewhere that when Jimi Hendrix did the Star Spangled banner at Woodstock, that people thought it was disrespectful. Man, the "good old days" had a lot of problems.
Nice job! That was well-done! Had to be great fun!

As an aside, I worked on the Hendrix version of that about 100 years ago and almost got my ass kicked. At the time, I was playing through an Ampeg VT-22 that didn't want to break up or distort properly - all it did was get incredibly loud. Neighbors didn't like it at all.

One day, one of them showed up at the door with a couple beers in his hand wanting to talk. So, I invited him in. I mean, he had beer and all. How could I say no?

He explained to me in no uncertain terms that next time he wouldn't be bringing beer and acting all friendly and reasonable, he'd be bringing bats and fists and backup to pound me to the point I couldn't play until long after everyone involved moved away, which they expected to be a long way into the future. As he put it, my freedom only extended as far as it infringed on other's freedom.

I took the lesson to heart  :laughing7:
Hehe! Yeah, well, to be fair, I was being obnoxious. That damned Ampeg was wicked. If somebody had been doing the same thing to me, I'd have been pissed, too.
Thanks guys, it was fun putting together and creating the preset.
I've enjoyed using the Smart Harmony feature since it's been some years since I've had the function.
The last time I had the feature was in my "fridge" 20 space rack back in the 90's when I had a Digitech IPS33-B.  I only used it live, and recorded the actual harmony in the studio.

Now I can reproduce the 3 part harmonies that I record again, without having to lug around a 250lb rack.

I don't have that many songs that have 3 part harmonies, but when I do, it's nice to be able to reproduce them live.  It takes a Dual Tone signal path to accomplish it, but once it's done, it's a simple copy/paste to another preset & change the key in the new song.

I've yet to mess with the Whammy feature on it yet.  Looking forward to it though.