
Life hacks.

AprioriMark said:
The rubber band thing is for breaking into places, yes.


that was my first thought too, but how would you get the door open initially to get to the chain lock? i would think you'd have to have a key, and if you got it open by force i bet you could just as easily give the door an extra kick and break the chain i bet. i was serious when i said i was thinking about this one for days haha still don't understand the idea behind it any better though
Here is a scenario for the rubber band trick to work:  You come home late, and your significant other has already gone to sleep.  By accident they chained the door when they went to bed out of force of habit.  You call several times on the phone, but they don't wake up.  Viola!  Rubber band trick to the rescue!

I know, its a long shot, but its the only thing I could think of.

Then theres the persnickety problem that most home door knobs are round, not lever style (many inexpensive hotels use that lever style though.)

Also, who has a rubber band in their pocket in the middle of the night?

So, its a far fetched scenario, but you never know when a little esoteric knowledge can come in handy.
line6man said:
As far as that corrupt file to buy you time thing goes, I thought that when you have to email your professor a paper, it's due when it's due and if there is something wrong with your file, they don't give a rat's ass, you fail. :icon_scratch:
Truer words have never been spoken, im in high school and that happens, although I live a rural community and our teachers pretty much want electronic devices burnt at the stake.
Wana's made a guitar said:
Alright then, but what wrong with a tire iron?  :icon_tongue:

They're bulky, heavy, and noisy. What you want is spring-loaded center punch.


Not much bigger around than a pencil, and slightly shorter. No need to hit; just push it on a piece of tempered glass and it'll burst. Cops, EMTs and burglars carry them. Small, light, quiet, inexpensive and effective.
Wana's made a guitar said:
AutoBat said:
You can't unlock a car via Cellphone
Alright then, but what wrong with a tire iron?  :icon_tongue:

THIS also works if you have one handy..........

Nightclub Dwight said:
Is that a Mercedes brick?

Yeah on sale at the local Mercedes dealership's Retail and Accessories section. Made of specially baked clay so the density is consistent. US$200.RRP  :icon_jokercolor:

(You wouldn't expect the Mercedes owner to smash his window with any old brick, now would you?  :laughing7: )