I just sat down with a pile of guitars and "watched" myself with this stuff specifically in mind. As you do all know (?..? :dontknow:..?) the thumb behind the neck is specifically as leverage for bending strings up. And if you leave it there you do get a certain heads up on "A" form chords (ring finger barring strings 2, 3 & 4) and "Em" form, barring strings 1, 2 & 3. But if you want to leave it there, might as well hang it around your knees and play all of Buzzy Flapfinger's licks. Jimmy Page being the most egregious, but I still can't see how he played certain things - but he's Jimmy Page, and I'm not.
To the crux of the biscuit - if certain things cause obvious discomfort which they didn't a few days ago - you've changed the location of the neck in relation to your body. The all-time worst offender is an acoustic guitar played while sunk into a deep squishy sofa with the body of the guitar up on the sofa - your arm is extended 60 degrees and your hand is bent back 45 degrees. I'll go out on a limb and say your elbow shouldn't go past 90 degrees and your hand past 30... ever watch how Keith Richards pushes his left shoulder up? What happens to the elbow angle...
No need to post it, you know Slash angles his crotchy flapfinger git way up straight to his body; (which he picked up from Jimmy Page), watch the angles. Ever notice how much time Petrucci, Hammett & multi-others spend with their right leg up on a wedge monitor; a few of these might even be dummies (monitor, not player). If you want to see a great musician with a guaranteed short career, dial up little Tal Wilkenfeld playing bass with Jeff Beck. I say little not to be cute, but because she's little, playing a 34" scale bass. Those little short arms and that 90 degree wrist. I can't bear to look, it gives my brain carpal tunnel syndrome.
Last bit: there are a category of bends I call "inside bends" for the obvious reason, they're not the big, phrase-ending, high bends, they're quick little one in the middle of the lick. The country guys are all over them, with a chest-high Telecaster, light strings, action low enough to snap off the fingerboard and a Dyna Comp to boot. They're hard to do, it's more finger power than wrist lever. Duane Allman KILLED on these, it's harder to find an unbent note on his solos on "Little Wing" off of "Layla", or his "Stormy Monday" solos than it is to find the bent ones... I count approx. 39 ABB shows here with Duane (recording quality all over the place):
The solo off the "Live at the Fillmore" is a fine one, but probably half these concerts are better, because Dicky was on (waking Duane up), and no G-D harmonica player. Here's another stellar "Stormy Monday" solo at 48:15:
Garcia was chasing the inside bends real hard in the later 70's, but once the heroin got him he could've been playing a zither for all it mattered. :sad1:
The only reason I post all this is because it matters, really a whole lot more than blooming crunch vs. detailed creamy balls and all.
To the crux of the biscuit - if certain things cause obvious discomfort which they didn't a few days ago - you've changed the location of the neck in relation to your body. The all-time worst offender is an acoustic guitar played while sunk into a deep squishy sofa with the body of the guitar up on the sofa - your arm is extended 60 degrees and your hand is bent back 45 degrees. I'll go out on a limb and say your elbow shouldn't go past 90 degrees and your hand past 30... ever watch how Keith Richards pushes his left shoulder up? What happens to the elbow angle...
No need to post it, you know Slash angles his crotchy flapfinger git way up straight to his body; (which he picked up from Jimmy Page), watch the angles. Ever notice how much time Petrucci, Hammett & multi-others spend with their right leg up on a wedge monitor; a few of these might even be dummies (monitor, not player). If you want to see a great musician with a guaranteed short career, dial up little Tal Wilkenfeld playing bass with Jeff Beck. I say little not to be cute, but because she's little, playing a 34" scale bass. Those little short arms and that 90 degree wrist. I can't bear to look, it gives my brain carpal tunnel syndrome.
Last bit: there are a category of bends I call "inside bends" for the obvious reason, they're not the big, phrase-ending, high bends, they're quick little one in the middle of the lick. The country guys are all over them, with a chest-high Telecaster, light strings, action low enough to snap off the fingerboard and a Dyna Comp to boot. They're hard to do, it's more finger power than wrist lever. Duane Allman KILLED on these, it's harder to find an unbent note on his solos on "Little Wing" off of "Layla", or his "Stormy Monday" solos than it is to find the bent ones... I count approx. 39 ABB shows here with Duane (recording quality all over the place):
The solo off the "Live at the Fillmore" is a fine one, but probably half these concerts are better, because Dicky was on (waking Duane up), and no G-D harmonica player. Here's another stellar "Stormy Monday" solo at 48:15:
Garcia was chasing the inside bends real hard in the later 70's, but once the heroin got him he could've been playing a zither for all it mattered. :sad1:
The only reason I post all this is because it matters, really a whole lot more than blooming crunch vs. detailed creamy balls and all.