
Les Tele? Telepaul?


Junior Member
My new build parts are here, and I've run into a problem! The planned double cutaway LP shape was to duplicate a guitar I've had since I was a teen, with some modern updates.

Since it is a three humbucker design, I planned to do that with the new one, and wanted a guitar blank to cut the shape I was after. So, I got the blank and a neck from Warmoth and laid out my design based on the old body, and surprise! (You might have known this already). Warmoth blanks are too short for Gibson styles. They clearly are meant for Fender shapes. =) Whoops.

So... I've decided to move my Tele style build ahead in the queue, and keep the rest of the design intact. A Tele with three humbuckers and LP controls? A Tele with a Strat neck pocket and a 3x3 headstock?

At this point you can't stop me... so here's the plan. Body is alder, routed for three double coils, rear control rout, recessed TOM bridge with angled string through-body ferrules. Neck is rosewood on mahogany. I really like the stripes in the fretboard.


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Why don't you make a double-cut Tele with that piece?


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You know, I considered that.

Right now, I'm thinking I'll just cut off the extension on the long horn side, split it in half, and join it to the heel end of the body with an end grain / dowel or biscuit joint, so it's long enough to finish my LP shape.

The original design I had included a notch cut out of the body heel, where I was planning to float a 3D logo, and I don't want to give up that part of the design. The Tele body would still work for that, but due to the position of the string through tail, it would look a little crowded.

So - I'm going to try the wood reallocation method and see if that will get me there. If not, or if there are complications I haven't considered, or I mess it up, I can still do the Tele shape either double or single cut. Or a modified Tele. Or LP horns on a Tele body.

Or something. =)

Might do some shop work this weekend, weather permitting (it snowed about 6" tonight so far, and isn't showing signs of stopping).
I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Of all those suggestions, any of them will look good. After that, it's a matter of your preference. Be sure to start a build thread in the 'A Work In Progress' section.

Here's a plan. Get another piece of wood that is big enough and build the LP. Then build the Tele.  :icon_biggrin:
stevekolt said:
I don't see that double cutaway Tele as an available option...do I need to call Warmoth?

It's not, but it looks like he'll be shaping the body himself. I have seen a company on Ebay called Saylor that makes doublecut teles if you're looking for one.