Hey everyone,
This is my first post here and I have to say, I already enjoy this community quite a lot - I've been a bit of a lurker for a while.
Anyways, on to my build...
My dad and I have been working on getting this all together for way too long at this point. We've got custom bodies made up - Brazilian mahogany backs with leopard wood fronts (his is the tele). The bodies will be clear coated this week, and I'm finally thinking I'm ready to order a neck.
The leopard wood we're using looks amazing, but it is not commonly found anywhere... I've yet to see anyone else using it for a solid body electric guitar. If anyone hear has any sort of experience with it, I'd love to hear about it.
As far as a neck goes, I'm leaning towards a flame maple neck (boatneck) with a figured ziricote fingerboard and the "warmoth" headstock style.
I appreciate any type of feedback on the leopard wood and also any advice on my neck wood choices.
Thanks for reading, and here's a link to an album (I apologize in advance for having way too many pics in there) http://imgur.com/a/Lhgtm#0
This is my first post here and I have to say, I already enjoy this community quite a lot - I've been a bit of a lurker for a while.
Anyways, on to my build...
My dad and I have been working on getting this all together for way too long at this point. We've got custom bodies made up - Brazilian mahogany backs with leopard wood fronts (his is the tele). The bodies will be clear coated this week, and I'm finally thinking I'm ready to order a neck.
The leopard wood we're using looks amazing, but it is not commonly found anywhere... I've yet to see anyone else using it for a solid body electric guitar. If anyone hear has any sort of experience with it, I'd love to hear about it.
As far as a neck goes, I'm leaning towards a flame maple neck (boatneck) with a figured ziricote fingerboard and the "warmoth" headstock style.
I appreciate any type of feedback on the leopard wood and also any advice on my neck wood choices.
Thanks for reading, and here's a link to an album (I apologize in advance for having way too many pics in there) http://imgur.com/a/Lhgtm#0