
Left-handed jaguar


I've been looking for a left-handed jaguar and I've found some of them from Internet, but i'm not a huge fan of that short scale and the bridge. Also i prefer humbuckers over single-coils. Perhaps the best way to get a lefty jaguar with the features I like would be ordering a jazzmaster body without any routs or finish and do them myself. A pickguard blank is also needed, but it's not a problem. But some of the control plates are problematic. I haven't found left-handed versions of them, except that symmetric one with three holes for switches. Also is it possible to modify the body to a semi-hollow body? There seems to be some space for that and i don't need any fancy f-holes or anything.
You can get a chambered (semi-hollow) left-handed Jaguar body without f-holes and with whatever pickup routing you want from Warmoth in a wide variety of woods and finishes. They'll also do left-handed pickguards for Jags, but I'm not sure where you'd get the metal bits. They have them, but I don't know if they're reversible. They're in the parts business, though, so it's worth calling them. If they can't source the parts, it's possible they know who can, or where you could get righty parts modified.