
Larger Toggle switch hole routing?

  • Thread starter Thread starter OzziePete
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The Gibson Jimmy Page LP Custom has the 6 way switch in place of the usual 3 way toggle.

Stewart Macdonald are now selling a switch ("FreeWay switch") that is similar in application, but it requires the usual toggle switch hole to be gouged out to accomodate the switch housing.

See link below:


Now I know in the world of guitar parts we have some very gimmicky things show up from time to time. But the LP Custom's 3 pickup selection restrictions, in it's manufactured form, has long been a  frustration for guiatrists who knew there was other pickup slections but out of fear of ruining an otherwise great instrument, were stuck with the minimum that the 3-way toggle and four pots setup gave you. Page & Gibson's LP Custom and this Freeway switch, seem to get around these restrictions (I don't know if this Freeway switch is THE one used by Gibson OEM on the Page LP Custom, so I'm assuming it's a separate product).

People starting up an LP Custom project may want to use these 6 way toggles, but the need to rout out the hole could prove problematic for some.

As Warmoth makes the body from scratch, and should demand come in for such an option too, maybe Warmoth could offer a larger, wider toggle switch hole for the 6 way toggle switch housing?

Alternatively, offer a wider hole standard with the option to go smaller for 'authenticity' (although that authenticity argument should never come into consideration for a Warmoth LP body!), OR, in the very least, put up a notice warning folks that this rout WON'T house the 6 way Freeway switch unless you gouge it out .
