
Lace Deathbucker pickups on a bass guitar


Junior Member
I have a Lace Deathbucker pickup that I have tried on various guitars. It works well yet can sound... I think 'boring' is the best I can come up with. On others such as my Hohner G2 Steinberger copy headless it sounds really good. YMMV etc.

I also have a Hohner headless Steinberger bass. The EMG-Designed passive pickups are 'adequate'.
I came over all funny and fitted the Lace Deathbucker in the neck position - it fitted straight in.
And what a delightful noise!
Despite the cost I'm going to get another Lace Deathbucker for the bridge position.

The sound is so good that I just might try the Lace Precision Bass pickup in one of my other bass guitars.
The new Lace Deathbucker has arrived.
It fts perfectly in the mounting where the original bridge soap-bar fitted but the pickup is narrower than the soap-bar so it doesn't pick up the bottom E string as well as it should. The G string manages to get away with it.
In the neck position it works.

I like the sound very much. Clean, precise, no mud, especially good when playing chords.

The second Deathbucker will get fitted into the headless guitar I bought them for in the first place.
The Hohner bass will keep the Deathbucker in the neck position until I can buy a pair of Lace sensor bass soap-bar pickups when my credit card has recovered from the latest pickup and bridge buying spree!
I'd never thought about it, but if that thing really bucks death you could play it til eternity.
