he actually looked like he knew what he was trying to do,
Ummm - why shouldn't he? Is he stupid? Children look at what it is, they don't tell themselves "It's HARD, ooh I CAN'T!".... someone has to teach them that.
Among the People Who Actually Run Things*, this kinda stuff is commonplace. It's
expected, actually.... If you happen to Wikipede people like the top Hollywood actors
and producers, the big business moguls, the most successful politicians all over the WORLD - a huge percentage of them were their high school class valedictorians, star quarterback on the football team, traveled to Europe on a merit scholarship, on the debate team, star of their 12-year-olds rock band, in the school plays and chess club etc. etc. etc.
A huge number of public school teachers are broken, discarded, leaving the biz because they can no longer lead kids, just become machines feeding meaningless info into other fact-regurgitating machines. They can make more money and do better at McDonalds or Walmart. But - why do I have this lurking suspicion that the students at the most expensive private prep schools, the kids named "Rockefeller" and "Kennedy", aren't merely learning to regurgitate nothingness (in a touchy-feely supportive atmosphere, or course). You NEVER hear about those teachers quitting, complaining, or even - WHO THEY ARE.

Are ex-CIA sniper assassins teaching civics to the Obama girls? WE'LL NEVER KNOW....
Re: your little music genius, you think Tiger Wood's dad or the Williams sister's pop didn't have a PLAN, then? (PRINCE Rogers Nelson... :evil4

Your retirement to an Italian villa is only a few years away....
*(PWART's? I like it....)