
Kashmir's first night out


Epic Member
Last night was Kashmir's first night out at a gig at a little local bar.  Some notes:

1 - Raw wood necks are GREAT!  I usually have problems with sweat build-up on my hands causing my hand to stick to the neck. The raw Canary neck on Kashmir eliminated this problem completely, even under the hot lights while wearing a heavy Scully cowboy shirt.  I sense more raw wood necks in my future...

2 - Kashmir was very well behaved.  It stayed in tune perfectly all night even after 4 sets of thrashing and excessive B-Bending.  Well done!

3 - Boat neck contours are very nice.  Even at the end of the forth set I didn't have any hand pain and not much fatigue.  More boat necks in my future as well.

4 - Several people came up to examine it.  Here's some comments:
"The neck looks really worn - like it's gone to Kandahar and back" (The grain on the neck makes it look really played in)
"I love the tone, and the bender is great!"
"wow - that's a really beautiful finish"
"I'll give you $3000 for that guitar right now"  (this was from a drunk mind you.  I declined  :))

Oh - and the gig was fun and we had a good sized pleasant crowd of beer drinkers.  We played well, had fun, the bar made money, and we walked away with a nice chunk of change.  All in all a fun night.
Sorry Max - I was too busy to aim a camera at us.  :icon_biggrin:

We've got our photographer coming to a future gig - maybe then.
Nice to hear she shined through multiple sets.  It's a testament to how well you built it.  :headbang:

Plus, you gotta love the canary.
Boats rule in my book.  :icon_thumright:

Raw wood on the back of necks is like playing on silk!  

Great to hear that some of these builds are being gigged,
sounds like a real fun night.
