
Jimmy Page wiring

stew mac still sells the push/pull pots but I dont think they are long shaft. Also, the cheapy caps at Radio Shack work just fine in guitars. I and other people here have used them without any problems. Dont think one cap will sound much different than any other of the same value other than the noise issue that someone else talked about. It's just a simple low-pass filter.

Stewmac does sell the push/pull long shafts.  I just bought some, they're the right ones.  There is an option for the long shaft ones on the specialty pots page. 
Here's a listing of all the posible combos - - -though I think they left one out that works on my guitar because my bridge pickup is weird...  just tone pulled up by itself. it sounds different to me because the coils are not the same.

Anyway - this explains all the combinations...