Jbass pickguard question

The Editor

Junior Member
I just started my first build and had a question, has anyone been able to have a jbass with rear routing and still be able to have a normal pickguard and control plate? Can you get the controls to line up with the hole in the rear routing space? If you drill the hole will it work?
for those cases where I have a client who wants a rear routed cavity (for things like a pre-amp of some sort) but who also wants a traditional front control plate ...

I first route the top loaded control cavity to a depth of 3/4", and then route the rear control cavity as normal. with this combination you can utilize a standard J-bass control cover without needing to special order knobs with shafts nearly 1" long

ymmv, of course

all the best,

Skuttle's answer is spot on.  You can combine a top and rear rout option.  This gives you the most flexibility in lining up the control holes and eliminates the need for extra long pots.