Thank you =CB= for the Dixieland lyric, understand why you posted, genuinely I do.
Well yesterday went off quite good. Sydney had it's Ferry boat races.
Canberra had it's Australian of the Year ceremony (held the night before I believe), the most impressive of those - to me - was the Young Australian of the Year, a Trooper Donaldson who won our highest military bravery medal (VC) last year or so whilst serving in Afghanistan, and who is a dead set modest guy by what you see of him on the TV. A National Treasure I reckon! He is, I believe, only 1 of 2 surviving VC winners, the other being a Keith Payne from the Vietnam War era.
Our Australian of the Year was a Pscyhiatrist who had some outspoken views about asylum seekers :icon_scratch:, our Senior of the Year was a Maggie Beer who was/is a TV cook who is quite an endearing soul (TBF I think she has done a lot of charity work too). Sports people bagged some Australia Day honours as did a journo or two. Oh, and a lot of people who apparently did some good for their community or charity, got some sort of 'gong' too.
Plenty of news footage of families rollicking on the beaches (it was bloody hot, mostly in Austrralia yesterday), mates having barbies, an international one-day Cricket Match in Adelaide, citizenship ceremonies. All the usual suspects lined up to declare their love for Australia and Vegemite.
Our Federal Opposition Leader put his foot, or is that thrown his budgy smugglers

,firmly into some very dangerous political grounds by declaring he'd want all young women to 'save' themselves for the right man to come along and to view their virginity as a special 'gift'. Aside the fact he was a rampant rooter through Uni (until recent times he thought he had an illegimtimate 'issue' from that period of reckless insemminating) til he himself found God and almost became a Priest - and such doctrine coming from someone with a colourful history as his possibly being very hypocritcal - most see that as a no-go area in Australia politics. Straight away he has alienated the young (straight) male vote from his Party's supporters!
Ah, yes, Australia Day.
The Day when the nation celebrates an invasion, declares someone not that well known as the nation's citizen of the Year, awards paper post nominals to those who did the right thing for the Govt. of the day way back when & kept quiet about it :icon_thumright:, where there's superficial postering for the camera while you try and not make a goose of yourself over a barbie wearing your "kiss the cook" apron, where most instead find it too bloody hot and retreat inside to sit under air conditioning sinking a few coldies while Australia plays Pakistan in cricket, where shorts and thongs are a pre requisiste dress attire (bugger the shirt it's too hot), and the odd pollie makes statements he now realises he will regret til he retires - or the paper it is printed on becomes landfill/recycled waste. Did anyone eat any lamb?