
January 26 is Australia Day.

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Happy Australia Day. 26 January was the date that the first flag flew over the Australian continent in 1788. The indigenous peoples within our nation do mark this day as perhaps one signifying the invasion of European peoples to their homeland, while others mark this day as one to celebrate their Australian citizenship. Many people do take the opportunity to have their citizenship ceremony on this day.

Being typically Australian, we tend to take the piss out of ourselves......




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Out of fear of getting banned from this forum I won't be posting any Sir Les Patterson vids! :laughing7: <no worries>

No worries, some of my best mates are from Oz.  Adelaide to be exact.

Ah Oz... land where beer is dispensed like cash from ATM machines......

If the indigenous dont like being invaded, they can go back to where they used to be - chasing wallaby for food.

There's an old Australian stockman, lying, dying,
and he gets himself up on one elbow,
and he turns to his mates,
who are gathered 'round him and he says:

Watch me wallabys feed mate.
Watch me wallabys feed.
They're a dangerous breed mate.
So watch me wallabys feed.
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down sport,
tie me kangaroo down.
Tie me kangaroo down sport,
tie me kangaroo down.

Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl,
keep me cockatoo cool.
Don't go acting the fool, Curl,
just keep me cockatoo cool.
Altogether now!

Take me koala back, Jack,
take me koala back.
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac,
so take me koala back.
Altogether now!

Let me Abos go loose, Lou,   
let me Abos go loose.
They're of no further use, Lou,
so let me Abos go loose.
Altogether now!

Mind me platypus duck, Bill,
mind me platypus duck.
Don't let him go running amok, Bill,
mind me platypus duck.
Altogether now!

Play your digeridoo, Blue,
play your digeridoo.
Keep playing 'til I shoot thro' Blue,
play your digerydoo.
Altogether now!

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred,
tan me hide when I'm dead.
So we tanned his hide when he died Clyde,
(Spoken) And that's it hanging on the shed.
Altogether now!
=CB=, just FYI, the term "Abo" is short for Aboriginal (meaning indigenous) & the term Abo is about as derogatory as calling President Obama a nigger these days. You obviously weren't to know.  :icon_thumright:

Too bad for Rolf.  To have his artistic merit and freedom of expression cut by the face of PCdom, even in Oz.  Thanks for the vernacular lesson on the word Abo.  I shall begin using it in daily speech henceforth!~~ (and after this past weekend, it would have come in handly... ayeeee what a bad scene)
=CB= said:
Too bad for Rolf.  To have his artistic merit and freedom of expression cut by the face of PCdom, even in Oz.  Thanks for the vernacular lesson on the word Abo.  I shall begin using it in daily speech henceforth!~~ (and after this past weekend, it would have come in handly... ayeeee what a bad scene)

I was half expecting this response. Maybe you can allow me the right to use derogatory terms for your indigenous tribes when someone here proudly announces July 4th? ( You've rained on my parade just as bad)The term Abo was used in derogatory terms, simply if you wanna respect someone's heritage you don't use it. Not PC mate, just some mutual respect and decency.
OzziePete said:
Maybe you can allow me the right to use derogatory terms for your indigenous tribes when someone here proudly announces July 4th?

Go for it!~  Post the lyrics of Randy Newmans "Rednecks" on July 4th.

A little Australian music (not Rolf!) :icon_tongue:
=CB= said:
OzziePete said:
Maybe you can allow me the right to use derogatory terms for your indigenous tribes when someone here proudly announces July 4th?

Go for it!~  Post the lyrics of Randy Newmans "Rednecks" on July 4th.

:icon_tongue: :icon_tongue: :icon_tongue: :icon_tongue: :icon_tongue: bite me.
OzziePete said:
=CB=, just FYI, the term "Abo" is short for Aboriginal (meaning indigenous) & the term Abo is about as derogatory as calling President Obama a nigger these days. You obviously weren't to know.  :icon_thumright:

i think a better comparison would be to call a native american an indian or a red skin or primative or a savage. or calling a black man a colored, or a negro

i have heard that columbus wasn't really so stupid that he thought he was in india and that indian has it's roots in some word in latin or whatever but semantics aside in todays world of PC indian is now incorrect for describing a native american.

nigger is an ugly word and it is never recieved well. i think it is universally offensive not only in america. just the sound of the word invokes anger in people. i'm not one for political correctness but i don't think there is a more down putting word in american english. it just sounds purely hatefull.

i have serious doubts that abo is quite that derogatory. inappropriate sure. but i think you took the comparison too far.

i hope i don't get hung for using all these words but i think my point is just.

now i will say that those videos are quite amusing, aussies (if i can say that) have quite the sense of humor and are not as goofy as the brits. well not the jackson jive video, not because it is offensive because i didn't think that it just wasn't funny.
Dan025 said:
OzziePete said:
=CB=, just FYI, the term "Abo" is short for Aboriginal (meaning indigenous) & the term Abo is about as derogatory as calling President Obama a nigger these days. You obviously weren't to know.  :icon_thumright:

i think a better comparison would be to call a native american an indian or a red skin or primative or a savage. or calling a black man a colored, or a negro

i have heard that columbus wasn't really so stupid that he thought he was in india and that indian has it's roots in some word in latin or whatever but semantics aside in todays world of PC indian is now incorrect for describing a native american.

nigger is an ugly word and it is never recieved well. i think it is universally offensive not only in america. just the sound of the word invokes anger in people. i'm not one for political correctness but i don't think there is a more down putting word in american english. it just sounds purely hatefull.

i have serious doubts that abo is quite that derogatory. inappropriate sure. but i think you took the comparison too far.

i hope i don't get hung for using all these words but i think my point is just.

now i will say that those videos are quite amusing, aussies (if i can say that) have quite the sense of humor and are not as goofy as the brits. well not the jackson jive video, not because it is offensive because i didn't think that it just wasn't funny.

Depends on how the 'Abo' is put as to how offensive it can be. There are worse words that probably do have a closer correlation to 'n****r' in the USA. Yes, I hate the word 'ni***r" can't say I have ever been comfortable with it's use at all. Usually a preamble to a hell of a fight, I guess, when it's used.

Pulled the Jackson Jive vid, if you saw it in my earlier post on this Thread. Funny how one of =CB='s countrymen can chastise Aussies for not being up with the times, when confronted with the race issue on our national TV, but the minute I raise a similar issue on this forum about a word many Aussies are now sensitive about, it's all a case of no it's not that offensive.

Don't see a point in arguing about this issue. I've made my case, and =CB= has made his.

FWIW, I think Rolf Harris has NOT sung that verse for years. I think he realises it is too sensitive to use. Rolf does have some indigenous friends and he is a valued member of our society, but he mostly lives in the UK these days I think. The song and that verse in particular are a throwback to the old days when things were very inequal. I guess the USA has some old footage of 'minstrel' acts they wouldn't dare put to air, or songs about black people that are racially offensive that never get played nowadays. Every country has a dark side to it.
The offensiveness comes when any group is called a name that they did not choose for themselves.  Indians, Abos, whatever.  Native American and African American are PC, and really non-descript.  There are no indigenous natives to America.  One group walked over a land bridge, another group took boats much later.  Being somewhere first is not the definition of a native.  By the popular bumper sticker, I'm a Native Texan but not a Native American?  When someone says African American, they mean black, but there are many people who emigrate to America from Africa that are not black.  Technically they are African Americans too, but they aren't.  What does the world call African Americans that aren't American?

There was a college that stirred the pot a few years ago with an Affirmative Action Bake Sale.  They had different pricing depending on your race.  They also had an African American student of the year award.  You guessed it.  He was a white guy from South Africa. 
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
If they are born and raised in South Africa, gain citizenship here, are they now Dutch African American?

same with "african-americans" who have been living in the US for more generations than they can count. or, with all thats been going on lately, haitian-americans who were born in the US. i don't understand. that makes me a dutch-american, even though my family couldn't tell you when they arrived here.
The "Tie

Keep in mind.... all I'm saying is... the guy wrote the song a certain way.  It was played all over the globe, a certain way.  That was the 1950's.  Now, in 2010, I learn the Aussies have summoned up considerable respect, and the song is no longer sung that way.  Commendable for the Aussies, but it does not change the fact that the song was written a certain way, and that that particular song, in our country, the USA is the epitome of all that is Australian, and well loved by many - in its original or "shortened" form.

Let me peaceably add the lyrics of an old American favorite, Dixieland.  Not to steal the thread - Hoorah for OZ!, but to illustrate that some things are just best left as they are, taken for what they are, and left at that.

I quote:
"Dar's buckwheat cakes and Ingen' batter,
Makes you fat or a little fatter;
Look away!  Look away!
Look away!  Dixie Land.
Den hoe it down an' scratch your grabble,
For Dixie's Land I'm bound to trabble,
Look away!  Look away!
Look away!  Dixie Land."

Some minor disparagement of native Americans.  On a deeper note, Ernest Hogan wrote some of the worst (by today's standards) racially disparaging songs ever penned to paper, even though vastly and tremendously popular at the time (1890s).  Mr Hogan is what would be termed today, racially, a black individual. 

Songs get written, stories are written.... Little Black Sambo, made to a racial "OH MY GOD NO!".  Take the time to read it.  I cant find much offensive about it, if taken for what it is.  Maybe between the lines some Freud wannabe might go on an on... dunno.

Anyway, no offense meant in my first post in the thread - its an Aussie song we love, and associate with good feelings toward our down under cousins.  It is presented, as it was written and played.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
There are no indigenous natives to America.  One group walked over a land bridge, another group took boats much later.  Being somewhere first is not the definition of a native.

Then there are no indigenous populations outside of east Africa? Everyone one else walked or took a boat. That narrow a definition makes the word meaningless.
Well, there are those who believe the African peoples were non-existant in Antediluvian times, only emigrating from Mesopotamia after that cataclysm.
oh who cares if they are indigenous and what the meaning of indigenous is, the thread was celbrating austrailia and the controversy was over slang terms that describe a race and whether they should be used even in the context of a song written when the word was commonplace.

BTW my vote is sing the song as it was written. i've seen PC kill even military traditions in this country as it is not proper for us to refer to god in a ceremony as we have separation of church and state and the military is made up of members of many religions including atheism and it might offend someone to say the word god during a flag folding ceremony.

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