
It Might Get Loud

Um... I don't see my postman. My mailbox is 150-200 feet away from my house, so.... yeah.
I feel so neglected.
GoDrex, I couldn't agree with you more on all your threads here.  I grew up in the Led Zep erra and I liked them, but I guess I didn't get all the hype, Jimmy Page was a good average blues player in my book, the sum of all the parts is great, but broken down individually, led zep was ok.  I know many disagree, and I know why, I get it, it's led fricken zepplin. But Jimmy page didn't re invent the wheel like a lot of guitarists have, maybe I'm wrong. Don't know , don't care
hmmm well I absolutely love Jimmy Page's guitar playing. His playing is a huge influence on me and part of the reason why I started playing electric guitar in the first place. He's definitely in my top 5 all time favorite players. I love Led Zeppelin and I love everything they've ever put to tape. They can do no wrong in my opinion. I like his playing more than The Edge's or Jack White's. So don't take anything I've written here as a knock on Jimmy Page in any way. I was just advocating a little bit for the other two guys in this documentary, who I feel have earned every bit of the right to be in the same room (and documentary or stage) with JP.
Markoooooo said:
btw, can't stand white stripes.. call me conservative,  but I like my music nicely balanced... with a Bassplayer and that kind of stuff

you might like this then:

http://www.reddkross.com/features/RBC/index.html - - guy dubs bass guitar to the entire "White Blood Cells" album.

I have the mp3's - - they're very well done and sound great.

btw - my favorite rockin' combo, Sleater-Kinney, never had a bass player and they kicked all sorts of ass.
I respect all those guys. I don't think Page is a "guitar god" because of just his playing, but rather for the whole vibe he contributed to Zep. I love me some Zep. I still can't believe that Page not only let P Diddy rip the main riff of Kasmir, but actually played with him as well. Gosh, talk about a huge scar on Page's rep for me. At least he hasn't been involved in those shenanigans lately.

To whoever said they don't care for Jack White because they don't like the White Stripes, well you've got to listen to some of his other stuff. I don't care much for the White Stripes either, but if you check out youtube for random Jack White videos, you'll see why he's a pretty respected player. I don't care for the Raconteurs first album at all (except for the song, "Level"). Don't know about their recent album, but I know I enjoy anything I see of them live on Palladia HD.

I think The Edge's impact speaks for itself. If you think that all you need is no talent and a delay pedal to do what he did, you're a moron. End of story.

What I would have rather seen though is Jimmy Page, The Edge, and John Mayer. Or even better---Pete Townshend, The Edge, and John Mayer.
Please take all of those i's out of Page's name. Thanks.  :icon_thumright: :laughing7:

Mayer is good - but when he sings I have to turn it off. And he always sings, doesn't he?

Pete Townshend is always interesting.

Clapton could have been a good choice, though I find 90% of his playing to be pretty boring.
GoDrex said:
Please take all of those i's out of Page's name. Thanks.  :icon_thumright: :laughing7:

Mayer is good - but when he sings I have to turn it off. And he always sings, doesn't he?

Pete Townshend is always interesting.

Clapton could have been a good choice, though I find 90% of his playing to be pretty boring.

Oh crap! I can't believe I did that. I pride myself on spelling things correctly and I go and do something stupid like that!
GoDrex said:
Please take all of those i's out of Page's name. Thanks.  :icon_thumright: :laughing7:

Mayer is good - but when he sings I have to turn it off. And he always sings, doesn't he?

Pete Townshend is always interesting.

Clapton could have been a good choice, though I find 90% of his playing to be pretty boring.

I just don't like looking at John Mayer's face when he sings.

I'm not so fond of Clapton.  Not that he's bad, just his playing doesn't do anything for me.
After comming back and re-reading my post, I realize how it came out, not like I intended at all. I did not intent for me to bash jimmy page or otherwise simplify his playing, he too inspired me, and his riffs were great, but his playing was just good not great, I mean his mechanics. It's like David gilmour, very simple in mechanics, genious in execution.  I'll just shut up and move on.
I missed this thread somehow. I want to see this documentary  :hello2: Would love to see and hear what those three have to say, and mostly I am so curious about what happens when you put them all in one space and strap guitars to them. Jimmy and Jack and an easy combo to imagine; throwing the Edge in there makes it so much more.... spicy. I am so curious.

Anyway, my 2cents on these guys:
Jimmy was over 50% of making me pick up the guitar in the first place. Perhaps even more than his playing I love his tones on the LZ records (excluding the last, really). His ever changing tone, his chords, and his use of alternate tunings. That right there is essentially my approach to guitar, though I don't play like Page at all. But much of my energy is put into creating tone, chords, and exploring tunings.

The Edge: Not much of a U2 fan, but I can really appreciate his influence, and I do like his tone and texture sometimes. Brilliant at crafting a niche for himself.

Jack White: Again, really enjoy his tone (see a trend?). I am a casual white stripes fan, I like the sound of the rock duo. His approach is lo-fi, arguably to a fault, but it keeps things interesting certainly. And he maintains a mystique about him that is undoubtedly influenced by Page. He is a character and so keeps me watching.
I also missed this thread!

Three generations of rock guitarists talking shop sounds like it has the potential to be very enlightening.  :icon_thumright:
It actually was better than I thought it would be.  :laughing7:

FYI - It's out on Bluray/DVD and its worth it for just the deleted scenes.
I rented it last week, great little film. People said this or that guy comes off badly - I don't think so. They each have their thing, and that's whats great about it. Any guitar player would love this movie.
I love Edge and Page. They, or at least the bands they play/ed in are probably my two biggest influences. I love both their approaches (that is before Edge started showing up to concerts with 9 amps AND three pods... I mean c'mon...) and there's a lot of both of them in stuff I play. I've never liked Jack White that much and his obsession (at least as he was portrayed in the movie) with equipment not working right and making it harder for himself to put on a show... I can see that sometimes, like that song that you have to do pushups before you sing but I don't think either Page or Edge are about sabotaging themselves and their goal of making good music, not making themselves work extra is a lot better than White's and I think it shows in his playing.
I never really understood/appreciated where JAck White was coming from until I saw this movie.

If you see it, it becomes even more obvious that "The Edge" does NOT play guitar; he plays EFFECTS, and spends most of the time when together with Page/White looking like a deer in the headlights...
I have a buddy that I trust a lot and who's never been one to BS who engineered on a White Stripes recording and who told me that he watched JAck White set up a fake fight at an LA nightclub for press.  Some of you might not care, but that screams (words I won't say on a public forum) to me, and I have a hard time taking the music seriously, especially when you consider that his stuff sounds like every garage band I ever played in.

AprioriMark said:
snip blah blah blah  and I have a hard time taking the music seriously, especially when you consider that his stuff sounds like every garage band I ever played in.
yeah right man - keep telling yourself that. :laughing7:
GoDrex said:
AprioriMark said:
snip blah blah blah  and I have a hard time taking the music seriously, especially when you consider that his stuff sounds like every garage band I ever played in.
yeah right man - keep telling yourself that. :laughing7:

Haha, I know, right?  I just swear that half the riffs he writes songs with are stuff that every garage band plays.

AprioriMark said:
... JAck White set up a fake fight at an LA nightclub for press.  Some of you might not care, but that screams (words I won't say on a public forum) to me, and I have a hard time taking the music seriously ...

I believe it - just look at Jack White's changing relationship with Meg his drummer/wife/ex-wife/sister.  There is nothing wrong with generating a little controversy to stand out and maybe have someone take notice.  Music industry entertainers do it all the time - Madonna does it, Lady Gaga does it, Eminem does it, etc. etc.
I'm not sure how "seriously" Jack White intends to be taken - he's a rock star and rock stars need publicity. And, ah, I thought they were TRYING to sound like garage rock? Saying they sound like garage rock doesn't really seem like a slam on the white stripes to me.

Anyhow, if the movie sucked, none of this would be of any interest - the move dug up all these different approaches, which we can have opinions on and discuss, which makes it a cool movie. The Edge did look like he had never had a slide on his finger before, that part was a bit funny. He put it on his middle finger, and it wouldn't even fit over his knuckle.