
isolate cause of feedback


i have a faded sg, the guitar feedsback way to easily. what causes a guitar besides pickups to feedback. I have to hold down the strings or it starts to feed back. I'm really not cranked that loud. tapping on the guitar showed more noise when tapping on the beck with strings muted.
Pickups are probably not Wax potted.  As far as what causes feedback, the pickups are hearing the amplifier and a loop is created.  Any number of things can facilitate it.  Pickups, volume, hollow construction, etc.
room acoustics, the strings can feedback as well as the metal bits of the pickup, is it always an ear peircing squeel or is it mid frequency at times? things dont need to be that loud for the strings to feedback especially if the guitar is light or hollow. if you have metal pup rings or mounting springs and/or the pups are loosely mounted they can feedback, i always use rubber hose in place of springs.
The body on the faded SG special was cut two different ways.

One was more traditionally routed for the pickups, with a long hole that extends from the pickup to control cavities.  The newer ones have an enlarged bridge pickup route, and a top routed channel that allows a shorter hole from that channel to the control cavity.  There are some anecdotal reports of feedback with those.

The fix - is to take some weather strip, and place it under the pickup to dampen it from excess vibration.  If you're good, you can place the weather strip material so the pickups will angle slightly and be more parallel to the strings as well.

That should fix it.
nomad100 said:
i have a faded sg, the guitar feedsback way to easily. what causes a guitar besides pickups to feedback. I have to hold down the strings or it starts to feed back. I'm really not cranked that loud. tapping on the guitar showed more noise when tapping on the beck with strings muted.

not quite sure i get what you're saying. guitars are going to feedback if you don't mute the strings. If the guitar feeds back when you're muting the strings, then you've got a problem.
GoDrex said:
nomad100 said:
i have a faded sg, the guitar feedsback way to easily. what causes a guitar besides pickups to feedback. I have to hold down the strings or it starts to feed back. I'm really not cranked that loud. tapping on the guitar showed more noise when tapping on the beck with strings muted.

not quite sure i get what you're saying. guitars are going to feedback if you don't mute the strings. If the guitar feeds back when you're muting the strings, then you've got a problem.

My guitars dont feed back with the strings unmuted..? What am I missing? 

I had a Telecaster (my first, the 72) that fed back on the bridge pickup something fierce if you were close to even a 12w amp.  The pickup was the icepick-in-the-ear typical 70's unit.  But since that time... anything I've got, factory or not, hasn't fed back even within kissin' distance of my Super Reverb - dimed.

I've got two SG faded Specials.  Neither one feeds back, but I've heard they can.  The other thing is the pickups... if you put covers on them, you have to do it correctly.  If there is any space between the cover and the coils, you're gonna get feedback.
=CB= said:
GoDrex said:
nomad100 said:
i have a faded sg, the guitar feedsback way to easily. what causes a guitar besides pickups to feedback. I have to hold down the strings or it starts to feed back. I'm really not cranked that loud. tapping on the guitar showed more noise when tapping on the beck with strings muted.

not quite sure i get what you're saying. guitars are going to feedback if you don't mute the strings. If the guitar feeds back when you're muting the strings, then you've got a problem.

My guitars dont feed back with the strings unmuted..? What am I missing? 

maybe you're not playing loud enough CB. In my experience if you're playing loud, the sound is going to vibrate the strings of the guitar and you'll get some nice feedback. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm not talking about microphonic feedback that is unpleasant to the ear - -because just holding the strings isn't going to stop that kind of feedback. It will happen (if it going to happen) if you're holding the strings or not, because it's coming from the pickups.

That's why I asked because his question doesn't make sense to me.
No, I'm talking about 50w Fender amp, 4x10 Celestions, and being about 5 feet in front of it, holding the guitar by its body, and aiming the top of the body at the speakers.  That feedback takes a little bit to build, as long as the strings and environment were quiet to start with.  It starts out low then builds over a few seconds to really loud.  That much I do get, and totally discount that as normal.  However, there are guitars out there that squeal and feedback loudly as soon as you get close to the amp, unless you have everything damped.  Thats not normal, and thats what I think he's talking about.
Something that most people forget to look at is the pick up height. If they are to close to the strings they will cause the feeback. :icon_thumright:
=CB= said:
The body on the faded SG special was cut two different ways.

One was more traditionally routed for the pickups, with a long hole that extends from the pickup to control cavities.  The newer ones have an enlarged bridge pickup route, and a top routed channel that allows a shorter hole from that channel to the control cavity.  There are some anecdotal reports of feedback with those.

The fix - is to take some weather strip, and place it under the pickup to dampen it from excess vibration.  If you're good, you can place the weather strip material so the pickups will angle slightly and be more parallel to the strings as well.

That should fix it.

I never thought of that... Thats ingenious.
i'm using tubing for pickup springs makes it easy to angle the pickups if you cut it right. My feed back is high pitched at all, so does that mean the strings? I used power slinkies (11)'s My neck pickup is pretty far away from my strings but my bridge is pretty close.
by is did you mean isn't? i mean the wording sounds strange and i just want to clarify what you mean. if it is mid pitch it is likely from the strings, less gain, less volume and stage position should help regardless and lower pickups can help if the strings are feeding back or the whole pickup vibrates in it's mount, even with the rubber tubes the pickup can move a bit. more damping as cb describes may help if the pickup is vibrating. string feedback is not always bad, it can be used as indefinate sustain or other things. it can be a good tool on stage if you can get the muting right.
nomad100 said:
i'm using tubing for pickup springs makes it easy to angle the pickups if you cut it right. My feed back is high pitched at all, so does that mean the strings? I used power slinkies (11)'s My neck pickup is pretty far away from my strings but my bridge is pretty close.

Did you install covers?
Dunno about EMG's, never dealt with em, not my style.  I know that what you're describing can be coil or coils goin funny, space between the cover and pickup (EASY to do), or a non damped pickup - the foam trick works for that
yah, thats the whole idea

suspended from the pickguard, there is more of a chance of wiggles causing feedback.  By damping it... foam sandwiched between the bottom of cavity and the bottom of the pickup - the problem of wiggly pickups goes away.  SG's are noted for that, btw