
is this even possible?


Senior Member
so i had a thought that could hopefully save me some money:

i'm currently running a H&K switchblade combo in conjunction with an avatar 2x12 cab. i'm also looking at buying a blackstar HT5 combo to run at the same time. i was thinking of buying an extra extension cab for the blackstar, but was kinda wondering if it was possible to do this:

could i possibly rewire the avatar cab with a switch that splits the two speakers (which are each 16ohm), and run one of these with my H&K, and one with my blackstar? and then when i'm not using the 'star, could i switch it back to both speakers (then being an 8ohm cab)? it sounds like it would work in theory, but honestly i have no idea when it comes to wiring speakers. i would get my local amp tech to do the work for me, was just wondering if anyone here had done anything similar or knows how difficult/easy it might be.

cheers lads (and lady if you're still around)
Sounds very doable.  I'd set it up so that there is a common ground, and then wire the hot leads from each speaker  to individual jacks.

Then, I'd use a SPST switch to join those two hot leads when you want to run it as an 8 ohm cab.  That would put both speakers in parallel, and connect both jacks together.  When the switch is not on, you have two independent 16 ohm speakers wired to individual jacks.

The switch should be rated for at least 20A at 110V AC.

That should do the trick!
Marshall has been doing this with thier 4x12's for years.

I can run mine either 4/16 ohm mono or split into 2 pairs of 8ohms for different amps.

With a 2x12 it's the same thing ,  if your speaker outs are rated at 16 great , if not pushin more load isn't a big problem ( pushing less is)
This is taken from Celestions website.  Take care to note the impedances of YOUR speakers,a nd not those in the diagram, but the principle is the same.
thanks lads much appreciated! i thought i'd seen it on a marshall or two somewhere along the line, just wasn't 100% sure. cheers again  :hello2: