
Is this bloodwood + Macassar?(Ebay content)


Master Member

The guy thinks it's walnut dyed red.... :icon_scratch: there is a finish on it :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: so it might be padouk with the browning arrested, it looks kind of grainy for bloodwood. I personally wouldn't buy a neck off of Ebay (I don't think.... :laughing11:) because:
1) there are at least three sizes of so-called "#8" neck screws that get used, and you have no way of knowing what the holes are - so much hardware that gets used is low-grade, off-size, and sort-of metric and that's the worse possible place to have a screw fuckup.
2) necks do settle and occasionally, they settle a LOT
3) Why is is being dumped, in this case for a second time?

but who knows, it might be just the hidden gem that transforms your playing and you'll write the the next "Stairway..." or "Sweet Chil..." on it and become a millionaire, wallowing in groupie-and-drug-induced bliss. I take kickbacks....
That's clearly Padouk.

The open grain structure is a dead giveaway. Bloodwood is very tight, and Walnut, while an open grained wood, is not nearly as open. Furthermore, the grain pattern is typical of Padouk, and the heel has faded in fashion very typical of Padouk.

I counted 18 headstock holes and 7 pocket holes.  It's currently at 90 bucks, which really is a good deal, but the partial F logo & finish are atrocious.
I don't know if it's Padouk or not, but looks like it to me. I'm sure the others posting know better than I do on that. But I can tell you for certain it is not Walnut of any varity.
I'll pile on for the Padouk ID. Bloodwood is much denser, and Walnut is much more brown so I can't see any kind of finish resulting in that color.

I wouldn't worry about the mounting holes - put threaded inserts in there and you're good to go. The whole thing really needs to be cleaned up, but you'd still be left with a million holes in that headstock. You could just run short screws into the unused holes, though. Let everybody wonder why, rather than see unsightly blemishes. But, I wouldn't pay any more than what it's going for now, and that's iffy considering what you'd have to do to make it palatable.
Y'know - that might be a short-scale neck as well. Note the square end of the fretboard. If anybody's interested in the thing, they should ask him to measure it.
Hey Cagey weren't you after something like this ie: No inlays ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Warmoth-Tele-Neck-Ebony-Padouk-Unfinished-/290640054536?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43ab7f4908#ht_500wt_1201

Oh, boy. Yes, and no. I really don't like Tele headstocks, but that's a nice piece. Plus, I've been looking for a good excuse to buy a fretting arbor. I do have a Tele I could put it on and it would look nice - black on black. But, I just put another neck on it (Warmoth Pro Strat Kingwood over Canary) that also looks/feels nice. But, I could re-purpose that Strat neck to the Candy Tangerine Strat it was originally slated for...

Damn. You guys are a bad influence <grin>
If that one's never been screwed, it should be a pretty sweet piece. Although the "standard thin" is a deal killer for me, because I need more meat. And get your mind out of the gutter, this was only a test of the Emergency Dirtbag-Brain Broadcast System.

Wait, did he say BROAD-cast? I wunner whut kinda lure you use onna.... :redflag: