
Is this a Nickel or Chrome Tremolo?


I ordered a new nickel Kluson tremolo KNTSN and received an open box item. I can't be sure if this is nickel or Chrome. The nickel version of this tremolo seems to be out of stock everywhere right now, so im a little suspicious.What do you all think? Colour is a touch warmer... Comparing here to some chrome tuners. Thanks in advance for your help!thumbnail_IMG_0227.jpgthumbnail_IMG_0228.jpg
Right on! Ever since my canoe trip, I have been fixated I guess! You have nickle and chrome there me thinks.
I have researched the "Bacon Butty" and determined that they are a actually a big yes for me! Can you ship me oh, say, 20 or so asap?
Used to be a chemist for a supplier to the metal finishing industry.
Quick, easy way to tell nickel from chrome. Place the part against plain white background, such as a sheet of paper.
The 'tint' of the reflection gives the game away - chrome is bluish, nickel yellowish.
FWIW., chrome is always plated over nickel (as is gold), so you can strip the chrome to reveal nickel... and blemishes in chrome or gold plating are nearly always an indication of poor nickel plating.

Re: bacon butties. They must have tomato sauce on them.