
Interesting definition of "Fender Licensed"

Misunderstanding about what a "license" is notwithstanding, at least he doesn't appear to have gone all "art student" on it.  Nice looking singlecut G4.
I'd expect this kind of crap from a Craigslist posting, people like to add special words to their ads to make them searchable, but on an eBay listing?

eBay needs to charge fees for stupidity.
I imagine he's just trying to say that Warmoth does have a Fender license. I don't see any real problems with it.
Ebay, home of the _______ .
yea I agree about the art student thing, but he also did not do all the routing for you so it would use a regular strat pickguard. :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:
line6man said:
I'd expect this kind of crap from a Craigslist posting, people like to add special words to their ads to make them searchable, but on an eBay listing?

eBay needs to charge fees for stupidity.

Actually, eBay's search engine leaves a lot to be desired. That's why people who've been there and know better put so many terms in their titles.
Didn't know the G4 was available in the short scale.  And the licensing may be misleading, but it is stamped on every neck.  The logo really throws me off because it couldn't even be confused for a Fender.