
Inline 3x3 Headstock?

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Okay - this might be academic even if it looks ok - just because of the non-strat headstock on a strat body thing but..

I knew it could be done. My string spacing may be a teeny bit off on the high end (no - this is not a continuation of earlier discussion about cutting a 1 3/4" nut for 1 5/8 and leaving all that wiggle room on top) - but I think you can do a 3x3 inline headtock with straight string paths and not even look too funky. Doesn't require a straight headstock side either if you're willing to play with the spacing of the tuners lengthwise.  My first sketch mimiced the W headstock a bit closer, but the 4th string tuner came perilously close to the end. It could still have a bit more of that flair in the end - I just got tired of messing with it at the moment.

Comments? (but not about the gold tuners - this came from my sketches for my project)


Hmm they did - hadn't seen that, amazingly enough. How does custom headstock work? Send a sketch? Bitmap? Given the constraints of the design I wonder if 'something that looks kinda like the CT, but with totally straight string pulls (since we're spec'ing we might as well), and the Warmoth headstock flourish at the end (rather than copying the CT - after its just an example of a design feature, not the trademarked headstock I want)
The Carvin is angled and not straight with the string pull.  Doing a 3x3 can't be impossible, just requires a different shape.  The Fender 6 inline headstock does it with both orientations.  Why not incorporate that on both sides instead of all on the same side?
Yes, the Carvin is tilted back, but only the 1st and 6th strings aren't straight, and those angles are very slight. It can't be any less goofy than a 13 degree Strat.
ubershallman said:
My Jackson Dinky does it right.  :headbang1:

Bingo.  The Carvin looks a little off - not a completely straight pull, but very close.  Wouldn't take much movement of the tuner holes to get it perfect.  The Jackson nails it.
But still an angled peghead.  No one has mentioned it, but the EBMM 4+2 does it with a straight peghead and straight string pull.  Just a matter of making it 3+3.
And here I was thinking that 6-inline tuners meant that they were in a straight line :icon_scratch:

You can imagine how confused I was reading the thread title  :laughing7:
True, but FWIW I don't care about the tilt as much as  a straight string pull.  Still prefer it though.
When I get back from vacation, I will share the 3x3 straight in line pull headstock I am working on.
Most likely, it will be a straight neck versus tilt back due to the woods I am looking at (certain woods don;t take well to scarfe joints.
Got a quote yesterday from the W on a Ziricote/Ziricote. $$$
Still working on the concept, but it is coming together, and there appears to be enougn break angle at the nut that no trees are needed, even with non-staggered tuners.