
inlay material question


i pinged spike and asked him if they could do nightswan inlays in abalone. he said only perloid and black could be done.  the nightswan inlays are already a $135 upcharge. how much would it take to get warmoth to do this, or am i just SOL?

this is what it would look like:

I have asked the Big W in the past to do various inlays.  Never had any luck...  They would not even repeat special inlay that was done on necks in the showcase.
However, that is a really simple design.  I am sure you could find a luthier to do an inlay that simple after you purchase your neck from W.
Just be sure to tell the W that you want no face markers; side markers only.

This is a place that I have used for inlay work done in the past:

Good luck and be sure to post pics...
yeah, the design seems so simple, yet it's $135. oh well. also.... holy crap that link is awesome! i'm gonna consider those guys. thanks for the reply.

fyi, i'm planning on doing a love-child of a caparison horus hgs mf and a kramer nightswan in the future. i'll be postin more info and pics in the upcoming months :)

So if I want to have a guy do inlay work, the neck can't be finished or fretted.  That makes sense.  According to the Warmoth neck builder, "You must have frets in order to have a string nut."  This does not make sense. I want to get an R4 floyd prep with mounting holes.  Am I doing something wrong here?
I think you can ask to have them put the nut on but leave the frets off

I've seen a guy with a fretless warmoth guitar and he explained that, so just say you're getting a custom inlay on it and it can't have frets for the time being
thanks. that makes sense.  I see some necks in the showcase with space for a floyd prep and no frets. i'll ping spike and see whats up
ev1ltwin said:
So if I want to have a guy do inlay work, the neck can't be finished or fretted.  That makes sense.  According to the Warmoth neck builder, "You must have frets in order to have a string nut."  This does not make sense. I want to get an R4 floyd prep with mounting holes.  Am I doing something wrong here?

O.K.  This is a rather touchy subject with luthiers, and believe me I spoke with a lot of inlay people before I finally got what I wanted. 
Yes, in an ideal world, the inlay man will want to have the neck without frets or finish.  I can't speak for the finish aspect, but inlay work can be done with the frets in place.
It is just a pain in the arss to do, so naturally the luthier wants to make his job easy and not put him self in a liability situation by screwing up your neck.

I was bound and determined to have custom inlay on my Warmoth V [see pic below]. 
Warmoth would not do a neck with a fingerboard that I provided with inlay.  Additionally, nobody wanted to do inlay work with the frets in place.
So, my next attempt was to get the neck from Warmoth without the frets and have a fret job done after the inlay work was in place.
Sounded like a great idea until I started asking the price of a have a complete fret job done...  Going rate was an average of $250; makes for a mighty expensive neck after paying for the inlay.

Then I found Bryan England's Custom Inlay; the link that I provided you previously.


They were happy to do the inlay work with the frets already in place.  The difficulty comes when the inlay work goes right up against the edge of the fret.
That is why I mentioned that your design was so simple [not even close to the frets] that I knew you could find someone to do it.
If you look at the inlay on Valentina, you will see the inlay is right up against the frets the entire length of the neck.
I will admit that I was quite frustrated with Bryan England's at first because it took them a long time to do the work.
When I realized what a challenge it was to do this inlay with the frets in place, I sort of understood why it took so long.
The folks there said it took them hours to set up the machine to route around the frets.
Also, when they shipped my neck, they did not really clean it up much.  It look bad when I got it and I was pissed.
However, after cleaning it up it looks great and I am really happy that I had them do the work.
I would definitely consider using them again, but just understand that they might have my neck for awhile and plan accordingly.

I would call the folks at Bryan England's before talking to the big W again and see just what they are willing to do.
I think you would be happy...
Good luck &  :rock-on:


you are the man, black dog. thanks for the knowledge.  i sent emails to bryan england and this dude at sharkinlay.com earlier today asking them about the inlay.  England hasn't responded yet, but the guy at sharkinlay.com did.  He said that the neck couldn't be finished and that it couldn't be fretted if i wanted inlays below the 12th fret (though he did say that the paua nightswan inlay would be cheap).

There's a guy in baltimore, md (about 15 minutes from where i work) who does fretting (even with stainless steel jumbos), pleking, and setups.  This was why I was curious about getting the neck without frets.  It seems there might be multiple routes to the final destination... just a matter of price/ease.  I wish I weren't so picky about wanting paua nightswan inlays lol.
Yea, I spoke with the guy at Sharkinlay also.  I can't remember his name, but he was a really nice guy and does some fantastic custom work.
It was that nothing below the 12th fret thang that finally lead to go with England's.
I was really picky too.  Just be patient and you will find what you want...  :cool01:
ev1ltwin said:
you are the man, black dog. thanks for the knowledge.  i sent emails to bryan england and this dude at sharkinlay.com earlier today asking them about the inlay.  England hasn't responded yet, but the guy at sharkinlay.com did.  He said that the neck couldn't be finished and that it couldn't be fretted if i wanted inlays below the 12th fret (though he did say that the paua nightswan inlay would be cheap).


It was good talking to you. Just to clarify, the neck can be finished, but the fretboard can't have a finished on it. If you only have a finish on the back of the neck, that's no problem. Because you have a maple fretboard I assumed that you were planning on putting a finish on the fretboard. Was my assumption correct?

The below the 12th fret rule I use is about getting the radius on the board correct again. There are inlay guys out there that will mess up your radius and take you money anyway. I'm not willing to mess up someone's neck just to make a profit.

Shark Inlay
Hey cSuttle. Thanks again for the reply.  I need to get in touch with Bryan England as well as USACG (according to the luthier near me in Baltimore, they do a better job. plus they offer mahogany becks with maple fretboards, which is cool).  If Bryan England can do everything with a fretted neck and handle the 10-16" compound radius, it makes more financial sense to go with him; it's cheaper to have warmoth or USACG do the fret job because it comes standard with their necks.  Otherwise I think i'll be hitting you up.  Thanks again.