I've decided to build a telecaster with what I consider a fairly complecated pickup/wiring design. I want it to have a humbucker(4-wire) in the neck, a strat hidden under the pickguard in the middle(RWRP) and a stacked tele(4-wire) in the bridge. The volume and tone will be in one push/pull, so that when the pot is up it will be the volume with the tone bypassed and when the pot is down it will be the tone with the volume at 100%. It will also have two other push/pull pots, one connected to the neck p.u. and one to the bridge p.u. Each one will be a spin-a-split and the push/pull is for series/parallel. Now, the only thing I can't decide on is the switch. Do I want to use a 3-way(Neck/Middle/Bridge, Neck/Neck+Bridge/Bridge) or a 5-way and wire it like a strat or is there another option that I've not thought of yet. I open to suggestions on the switching and/or anything else.
Thanks :icon_smile:
Thanks :icon_smile: