
In the News, Today.

For what it's worth, Germany had the greater incentive to rebuild, given the punitive measures dished out by the Versailles Treaty.

That's all bourbon under the bridge now, kids.  Let's look forward to seeing how Afghanistan makes do with the zillions of dollars of natural resources that turn out to lurk beneath its surface!  Assuming, of course, the profits aren't carried off by foreign con men investors who have the sense to buy off the right local strongmen support democratic development ...riiiiight.
dbw said:
Not to be too much of a party pooper, but France won one of the bloodiest battles in history during WWI.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Verdun  (Their performance in WWII was less impressive.)

Yeah, but the F-ing COST man. Also known as how not to 'win' a battle. Even King Pyrrhus is muttering 'DAMN! Seriously?!' from the grave...

And in regards to their help in our revolution... I think we've paid them back in spades since. A couple of times.
