
I'm so, so, so sorry

crash said:
Slight Thread hijack... Orpheo, what neck would you suggest for an all black korina body?
it depends on the tone you're looking for. Oh, and I suppose its a les Paul?

Smooth and warm: rosewood shaft,ebony or pau ferro board.bright,agressive chunky: padouk. In between those two,though leaning towards the uppermids and brighter spectrum: bubinga. For the lower mids: wenge.
It's a Les Paul shape.  I would like more of a classic warm LP sound, without being muddy of course.  My concern was without a maple cap on the body, would a rosewood neck be too dark?  I'm leaning towards a 59 roundback neck.  Wenge/Zircote, or Rosewood/Ebony.  I would like to try a Goncalo alves/Pau Ferro in an LP neck.  Have no clue on pickups yet, maybe P90's.
It will be warm, but not muddy.

Warmoth won't do goncalo on a tiltback neck.

Wenge is a nice choice,so is rosewood.both are very fine. I'd go with a p90 in the neck and a humbucker on the bridge for ultimate versatility.but that's just me.