
If you've compared a '59 roundback to PRS wide/fat, I want to hear about it

Disco Scottie

Hero Member
I have a Custom 22 with a wide/fat neck that is very comfy to me. I haven't had a chance to take the calipers to it for exact measurements, but I'm guessing the '59 Roundback will likely be the closest W choice. Ideally I'd like to play one to compare... I'm hoping one of you fine fellows may have had both at some point and can tell me how they match up. I suppose if the Roundback is too thick I can always sand it down.
I was under the impression that the Roundback was slightly narrower and thinner than a PRS.

PRS get a little TOO thick from the 12th fret down. if roundback beats that... I need to find a new contour!
They are really really close. I have only played PRS in stores, so I"m no expert. But '59 is a great feel.

It's great, but not identical to the PRS.  IMO, the fretboard edges on the PRS feel more rounded and the W's sides feel more square.

W has commented on the slippery slope that is fretboard rounding.  It's either too much or not enough, so they do the bare minimum.
Wanting to replicate a PRS W/F, I called the guys at Warmoth, and was told that the 59 was their closest contour. It doesn't quite fit the bill if you are looking for an exact copy. I find that the W/F on my singlecut is honestly not quite as fat as the 59, and that the V starts a bit closer to the fingerboard on the Warmoth than on the PRS. I find myself at times thinking that I should shave down the back of the Watmoth just a touch to match the PRS depth, and probably would if I hadn't already finished it. However, the 59 is an insanely comfortable neck carve, and I have no trouble going back and forth between the two. It is not the same, but is easily just as comfortable, for more or less the same reasons.
okay um... so the roundback would probably feel too big to me then? If I can barely stand the 12> frets on a PRS?
AGWAN said:
okay um... so the roundback would probably feel too big to me then? If I can barely stand the 12> frets on a PRS?

It's would be the next step bigger than the Standard Thin, which is bigger than the Wizard.  I guess technically the Wolfgang is the next step up from the Standard thin, but it's asymetrical.
AGWAN said:
does asymmetry create any issues?

It's a preference.  Technically, your hand is asymetrical.  I just through in that detail because it was between the '59 Roundback and Standard Thin, but the others discussed were symetrical.
When I say the 59 it is thicker than the PRS neck, it is only slightly so; sometimes I notice it, most times I don't. It feels like something that could be easily dealt with in 15 minutes with some 600 sandpaper. I feel immediately comfortable on both necks, but they are not quite the same.
Cool, sounds like the '59 is my best bet. I'd rather it be slightly thicker so I can remove some if I decide to. I hate getting something I've never played before, but I realize with Warmoth builds that won't be an option. Which means I'll just have to build one of each and then I'll know what they're like.  :toothy10:

While we're on the PRS subject... from my research it seems 6150 fretwire is closest to what they use. Anybody care to confirm/disagree?

EDIT forgot to mention I want to use stainless steel, but I don't see a 6150 match in W's listing. Does that not exist? And if so, what's the closest to it?
The closest SS fret to a 6150 (.103" X .046") would be the SS6115 (.107" x .052"). Just a hair larger, you probably wouldn't even notice it.