
I want diamond inlays!


Epic Member
No, not little abalone rhombuses.
I want the real thing...

I have always been a HUGE fan of Ritter's wild finishing work (well, not all of it, but a lot of it) even though most people think it's hideous.
These "Ritter-Royals" just seem ridiculous to me though, because although i do really love the finish work as usual, it's just so extravagant that it's disgusting.

Given the situations going on in the world today, nobody deserves to have that kind of money to blow on things like this. It's really unfair that some people in the world bust their ass for less than a dollar a day, and yet other people can blow that kind of money on extravagance like platinum leaf, diamond inlayed basses with ancient ivory nuts.

I have to admit that these basses are the most awesome thing i have ever seen, but it's just disgusting to have that kind of luxury.

I wonder if they will include a Shroud of Turin guitar cloth to wipe off the dust?
As much as i love the imitation marble,  i could never ever love a fingerboard shaped so much like a certain part of the male anatomy... :sad: :sad: :sad:

I'm a bit curious about this bridge design though:


wow! i'm sure it's more money than i've ever seen in one place, but that looks awesome, i love it! so sleek

any idea what that particular model runs, money wise, line6man?
JaySwear said:
any idea what that particular model runs, money wise, line6man?

His regular models are like $10K. I can't imagine what the "Ritter-Royal" collection is going for :sad:
With the gold/platinum/diamonds and all...
The concept of the "Stoneage" is interesting ...

Can you imagine playing a 9000 year old piece of wood?

Probably wouldn't have to adjust the truss rod too often ..... :laughing11:
line6man said:
I have to admit that these basses are the most awesome thing i have ever seen, but it's just disgusting to have that kind of luxury.

Design elements aside, it is pretty disgusting to be able to afford this bass.  What would happen if you got beer spilled on it?
mayfly said:
What would happen if you got beer spilled on it?

Beer is for the low-class "regular bass" playing people. You should be sipping a fine Wine when you play your bass.
Caviar is a PITA to clean off of platinum. It's too much effort to have the maid come and wipe it off, so i usually just buy another bass whenever that happens.
line6man said:
mayfly said:
What would happen if you got beer spilled on it?

Beer is for the low-class "regular bass" playing people. You should be sipping a fine Wine when you play your bass.
Caviar is a PITA to clean off of platinum. It's too much effort to have the maid come and wipe it off, so i usually just buy another bass whenever that happens.

Champagne might be better as the bubbles would act as micro scrubbers and automatically clean off any residue. 
mayfly said:
line6man said:
mayfly said:
What would happen if you got beer spilled on it?

Beer is for the low-class "regular bass" playing people. You should be sipping a fine Wine when you play your bass.
Caviar is a PITA to clean off of platinum. It's too much effort to have the maid come and wipe it off, so i usually just buy another bass whenever that happens.

Champagne might be better as the bubbles would act as micro scrubbers and automatically clean off any residue. 

The bubbles give you a more "effervescent" tone. Wine can be kind of "flat".
line6man said:
mayfly said:
line6man said:
mayfly said:
What would happen if you got beer spilled on it?

Beer is for the low-class "regular bass" playing people. You should be sipping a fine Wine when you play your bass.
Caviar is a PITA to clean off of platinum. It's too much effort to have the maid come and wipe it off, so i usually just buy another bass whenever that happens.

But maybe you want that for a fretless.  It all depends.

Champagne might be better as the bubbles would act as micro scrubbers and automatically clean off any residue. 

The bubbles give you a more "effervescent" tone. Wine can be kind of "flat".
line6man said:
mayfly said:
line6man said:
mayfly said:
What would happen if you got beer spilled on it?

Beer is for the low-class "regular bass" playing people. You should be sipping a fine Wine when you play your bass.
Caviar is a PITA to clean off of platinum. It's too much effort to have the maid come and wipe it off, so i usually just buy another bass whenever that happens.

Champagne might be better as the bubbles would act as micro scrubbers and automatically clean off any residue. 

The bubbles give you a more "effervescent" tone. Wine can be kind of "flat".

*clap clap clap* that made me lol.
It's obvious that some people really like those basses, and that they builder has serious talent and skill, but I think they're hideous. Like something Donald Trump would play if he suddenly joined a funk band. I'd take an off-the-shelf Jazz bass over one of those any day.
I'll give the builder 10/10 for originality.... but it is just not me.

As for exotic materials in instrument builds, I am guessing (not having owned a very expensive guitar myself) that it would be one major worry if you ever played it out in a gig, and that you'd have to have it properly insured against all sorts of risks.

You'd also, with the diamonds in the neck, have to insist on staying with the instrument while it was repaired or worked on by a luthier at any time. It wouldn't be an instrument you'd feel comfortable leaving with a repairer for a week or two then picking it up.

In other words, high maintenance........
OzziePete said:
I'll give the builder 10/10 for originality.... but it is just not me.

As for exotic materials in instrument builds, I am guessing (not having owned a very expensive guitar myself) that it would be one major worry if you ever played it out in a gig, and that you'd have to have it properly insured against all sorts of risks.

You'd also, with the diamonds in the neck, have to insist on staying with the instrument while it was repaired or worked on by a luthier at any time. It wouldn't be an instrument you'd feel comfortable leaving with a repairer for a week or two then picking it up.

In other words, high maintenance........

In all seriousness, i doubt that these are players.
Sadly, these are the type of instruments that hang on the wall to display rather than get played.

As far as trips to the luthier, I'm guessing that anyone who can afford such a bass has a personal assistant that can take care of supervising the luthier.
^ +1

I was just going to say looking through this thread that all these do is hang up in some rich guys mansion so he can go, "yeah that guitar has diamonds, platinum AND gold leaf on it, cost me 15 grand."

Though some are kind of cool, I dont like the shape I kind of like the things on it, like that marbe and that one with the crazy burl top.