
I Remember You

Uffe Steen

Junior Member
Long time since I shared a video, so for the fun of it.
Sound into L6 Guitarport /GearBox, out of the PC speaker and into video Iphone 7SE.
Some room ambience I admit, but thats it.

Thanks, Uffe, for another in your series of stellar performance videos.  Made my morning.
No tapping? No bending? What a hack.  :headbang:

Consider me among those whose morning was made.  :icon_biggrin:

It always makes my heart smile when I see someone approaching the guitar in a way so different from me. Put that guitar in my hands and it would be all AC/DC, all the time.
Very nice playing! However, isn't the guitar pointed the wrong way?
Not only that, the strings are also upside down.

Uffe, is one of the very few people I ALWAYS watch and listen to his playing.

Look up his other stuff he has posted here!
TBurst Std said:
Not only that, the strings are also upside down.

Uffe, is one of the very few people I ALWAYS watch and listen to his playing.

Look up his other stuff he has posted here!
He is a Jazzy Albert King!!  :icon_thumright: