
I have decided to settle...non Warmoth related

Damn Dan
I hate repackaged stuff
I am about to get a JamMan Stereo, I went to the big box store and same thing, so I went to Sam Ash and they are ordering me a new one before offering me the one in stock.

my mobile setup will be based on the tonelabs multi, a jamMan and a 4 track I got from Dangerous. into the PA
only at home will I have the amps I own, I am tired of the haul around huge rigs stuff when we live in a world of samplers that do 90 percent of the true amp

but however, I still have a 16 x 20 room my wife lets me fill with musical stuff, so I still love those real amps
Liberal return policies put a lot of retailers in a tough spot. Much of what comes back has nothing wrong with it; the buyer was just "borrowing" it to have fun and/or test it in a live or private situation with no intention of ever keeping the item. So, what's a mother to do? Eat the shipping to return it to the manufacturer, who'd just going to repackage it and send it out again, or repackage it themselves and flip it? It's a tough call that some places make better than others. Comp-U-Add used to do it to death, to the point where nearly the whole store was a flea market at retail price points. Pissed people off to the point where they stopped shopping there and they went out of business. Guitar Center is about at that point now. They haven't tipped yet, but they're teetering.
I am 49 years old and find "real gear" can not live up to the hype. I use a Roland VG99 through my computer and out to 2 Event biamped studio monitors and an Athena subwoofer. I can get great real pickup sounds through the effects and amp modeling as well as guitar modeling and simulated string tunings that when recorded are hard to tell from the real thing. I just made my dream warmoth strat with scalloped neck and built in Roland hex pickup that I use with the Vg99. With this simple gear setup I can get just about any sound you can think of. I have never found the good in vintage amps and guitars. People seem to be taken with something old because it's old. Take motorcycles . Any Japanese bike is better in quaility and cheaper than any Harley but people are brainwashed into thinking that a Harley makes them a tougher , cooler person. Modeling is here to stay. It is consistant and sounds good . Take the money you save on pedals and amps and buy more Warmoth guitars. :headbang1:
OzziePete said:
a retro t00b replica combo amp that rocks serious tone when cranked (just to keep Superlizard happy)

Keep the t00b faith, brotha!

I gotta say about this stuff in general:

It doesn't bother me when someone's using SS or microprocessor
or emulators for their rig - what bothers me is when they use it,
then get on the internet and brag about the "tone" they get when
everyone knows better.  9 times outta 10 what is deemed
to be "fantastic tone" from these non-t00b items is really just either
justification for a purchase (and the more $ plunked down, the greater the "tone"),
or simply an "I wanna be cool too" statement.  The rest of the time,
it's pure naivete (they haven't heard anything better).

I had my 2 decades-worth of using SS and newfangled (for the time)
rack gear, and I thought I had killer tone then (this was naivete).

...Then I got a real amp. (heh heh heh)

So, it's not the gear, it's the blatant BS.  There's enough
BS going around the i-net to add more BS so the n00bs
get the wrong information.  That's what bothers me.

So, I'm like, "play whatever yanks your crank, but don't pee on
my leg and tell me it's raining, cuz I know better"

ericar said:
People seem to be taken with something old because it's old.

Well, I can definitely say that I'm taken by both of my old/oldish amps
(one a real vintage piece; other I modded to vintage specs)

... not because they're old/oldish, but because they sound t!ts.

I gotta add though that it took me several years of practice using
that style of amp (lower gain, touch sensitivity etc) before I
became proficient with them.  In other words, they take more
work than your typical mondo-gain modern day amp.
Ladies and gentlemen: might I present you with


The Middle Way

My rig is a Digitech RP1000 into the poweramp of my Traynor 50 watt EL34 combo. Sometimes I bring them amp, sometimes I just bring the board and go into the PA. I find that having an amp is vital because a lot of the time the PA can't handle guitar and vocals or there's no monitoring so having a real amp is really nice. It's also great for recording to have some real tones to choose from. My theory is that the only thing we can't replicate is the power tubes (the tetrodes and pentodes). Think about it: we have ss versions of preamp tubes: transistors, and they're in everything and, as a lot of distortion pedals show, they do a pretty good job. What we don't have is the power-tube sound because we don't know how to clip pentodes without using tubes. So keep a tube power amp, screw the tube preamp and screw both if  you have to.  :toothy10:

On the other hand, I always have two distortions, a wah, and a delay whenever I can borrow one on my board because I like the extra control of my driven sound, the tone of that particular wah, and the big tap tempo button. Like somebody said earlier: get the gear that you can actually use to make music, not the gear that makes the most sense on paper.

Thank you, thank you. (bow)