
I don't know if this has a GPS...

Disco Scottie

Hero Member
But it's sure got everything else

Disco Scottie said:
I don't know if this has a GPS...
But it's sure got everything else

Hopefully, it has a hand grenade taped to its back that's slowly timing out.
ORCRiST said:
That thing has to be photo-shopped to hell.

I had the same thought at first. But, after hanging around on music forums for a few years, I've learned that there are a lotta kids who think you can't be too rich, too thin, or have too many knobs/switches. So, it could be real. I am suspicious of all the output jacks, though. But, if you were going to fake that, why not add 6 or 8 more switches? There's plenty of room, and surely there are 163 different ways to put all those pickups in series, parallel, out-of-phase, inside-out, upside-down, etc. or some combination of all the above.
I suspect the extra output jacks are so they can use the funky middle PU's to amplify/process the bottom 3 strings separately from the top 3.

But the funny part to me is they didn't bother to get a pickguard with no middle PU route. Or knobs that matched. Or...
Well, again. Kids. Not the most savvy designers or in possession of great resources. I've seen guitars where they put a piece of tape over an unused pot or switch hole rather than spring the $20 it would take to get a proper pickguard made.
I find that clever, but only if it actually works

Someone eluded that if it was for show, it would have more switches, I agree, I bet everything there does something.

Would love to hear it.
drewfx said:
I suspect the extra output jacks are so they can use the funky middle PU's to amplify/process the bottom 3 strings separately from the top 3.

But the funny part to me is they didn't bother to get a pickguard with no middle PU route. Or knobs that matched. Or...
I could see some use for that.
we gotta get someone here to build one of these, hey tfarny just bought a swimming pool rout body.....

I'll buy the pickguard , maybe Ken will provide pups
Alfang said:
we gotta get someone here to build one of these, hey tfarny just bought a swimming pool rout body.....

I'll buy the pickguard , maybe Ken will provide pups
I've got some spare jack plates and knobs  :toothy10: were 1/2 way there  :toothy12:
I just can't let this one go. I'm fine with one strat jackplate, even on rear routed strats,  but come on. Could you not run whats on the other two jacks out a stereo plug routed thorugh the traditional side jack location? Or the back, or side near the strap pin? It just seems to me that the primary (only?) reason for a strat jack plate is traditional looks, which this umm fails to achieve.

Or run em out an RJ45 jack if you just want to be different. (4 balanced pairs. hmmm one pair for powering active pickups, three balanced low impeadance lines, or power/gnd, audio, data out? If we weren't 70 years into this 1/4" phone plug thing now it could work.