
Humbucker & Single coil with 1 vol. Is my wiring right?


Junior Member
Hi All,

Just wanted to know if my wiring is correct?


And what are those other terminals for?

Looks like it could be right; I don't know what those color codes mean. But, assuming you're running the hot side of the pickups to that switch, then yeah.

The tang on the far side of that switch is a ground lug. It ties the body of the switch to ground. For example, this is how I wired the pickup selector for Bagman's Quty Pie Tele...


One pickup wired to each side of the switch, with the common coming back, all shielded and insulated.
You can see the ground tang on the far side of the switch, not connected yet.


The wires are folded back, then a bit of bus wire is used to tie the shields and the switch housing all together.

Makes for a very robust installation that should last forever and a day, and is essentially noise-immune.

There's actually 2 tags on the far side of the switch (switchcraft). The picture I got is rather poor.....but they don't lead to ground.


begs the question - what are the two tabs hooked up to on that switch? 

if they are connected to another tab, then you just have connection options.  If  (and i suspect this is the case for those big old open frame switchcrafts) that the two poles are separate and these are additional tabs for either side of the poles, then you'll have to do some reverse engineering on the switch to come up with your schematic.  In any case, you'll likely need to  connect the 'out' side of the poles together. 
I've seen similar switches where instead of one big ground lug there're two like that. Just tied 'em together and wired it to ground. I can't see the details of the switch clearly enough to be certain that's what's going on here, but if there's no other ground lug, I'd wager that's what you've got.
In a single volume/tone scheme, those two elements you're curious about are generally tied together and that line is then run back to the volume/tone controls as the "hot" line.

In the center position of that switch, both circuits are closed. Flipping the toggle to one side or the other opens the opposite side.
So in my case where all I have is 1 volume and no tone, what do I do with these 2 terminals?

Tie them together and run them back to the volume pot. This layout would work - adjust component locations and pickup wiring as needed...
