Humbucker direct mounted without 720 mod?


Hello everybody it's my first post here.
I would like to direct mount my humbuckers on the body but the body itself is a classic strat one, without 720 mod. With the mounting rings i know I can easily adjust the pickups height. Aesthetically I would prefer the direct mounting option but I'm afraid the pickups will set too high,attached only with two screws on the wood, loosing stability. What do you think?
Thank you
If you use a piece of foam rubber under the pickups, that will tend to stabilize them, like so:

Foam is the normal way this is done unless you're completely crazy like Eddie Van Halen and have the route depth set exactly where you want it so that the pickups are screwed directly to the floor.

I prefer high density foam for this.  I like this stuff:

Get one sheet of each thickness and you can stack it to get the desired thickness.