
How'd I do? :)


Senior Member
This really sucked.  Any thoughts?


LOL, damn Kluson tuner screws!  The bottom line is that this is my third build and I was over confident.  I drilled the holes too small and then ultimately broke off one of the screws in the headstock.  I didn't have a problem with my first set of Kluson tunners on my first build because I drilled 5/64" holes.  Anyway, I used some 1/8" brass tubing that I serrated on one end (with my Dremel) to extract the screw.  Then, I glued a 1/8" dowel into the hole with some Titebond, cut it off flush, and then sanded it down.
DangerousR6 said:
I'd say you did a fantastic job then, home made screw extractor..... :icon_thumright:

agreed, whatever is screw extractor... I remember seeing guys taking broken screws soldering it to something and pulling or trying hit on the tangent of it
That can be a tricky fix.
Nice work, the tuner should cover that completely.

yeah, good job extracting that screw! :toothy10:

however.....we now know what you did....and we want payment to keep our mouths shut!! small unmarked bills will work, or Warmoth gift certs :party07:

Nice work.  I did that once on a Purpleheart bass neck.  I didn't drill the hole large enough, and because Purpleheart is such a dense wood, the friction caused the screw to break right below the head.  :(  I used a drill bit (of the correct size) to drill out the remaining metal, then carefully put in a new screw in its place.  You can't even see which tuner it was in.

Earlier, I drilled the hole with a too-large drill bit on a Canary bass neck.  I had to glue in a piece of a toothpick as a dowel, then drilled a new hole of the correct size right next to it.  Once it was covered up, it didn't look bad at all. 

Guitar/bass assembly is a learning process.  :icon_thumright:
A few of things I should mention:  The brass was a little too soft for this business.  I had to redress the end a few times because it would wear completely down while drilling.  If you try this method yourself, I advise that you try to find steel tubing.  The 1/8" OD tubing worked perfectly for me, but take a screw with you to the store so you can check the inner diameter of the tubing.  Also, because I knew that the tubing would probably wander on the surface while drilling, I used a Dremel with a cone shaped grinding stone to widen the hole beforehand.