How to lose faith in humanity...

Mor Paul

Epic Member
7,238 is a good place to start.

Some teachers at my school make me wonder as well.
The Algebra II honors teacher (My brother and a good friend has her) was doing division upside down... as in 3/6= 2.
The Civics teacher is incapable of grading quizzes, and asks questions she never taught us on them. One worksheet she made had this (or close enough)
"Nintendo sells 1.7 million Wii systems for $503,000,000" We were supposed to tell what that meant (marginal cost, total cost, marginal revenue, total revenue, etc...)
Me and my friend (same one as above. She's pretty smart, and I make good grades too) put total revenue. It's how much money Nintendo raked in, isn't it?
Nope. The teacher-approved answer was total cost. Nintendo must've used $503 million to make those Wiis. (1 wii= $250. 2 million wiis= $500 million). Me and my friend just look at each other whenever a decision like that is made.
I don't think the problem is the curriculum...
It takes a special algebra II teacher to mess up how to do division. Isn't that a third grade level thing?
hehe im almost done with high school, you'll have teachers who will tell you the universe revolves around the earth, and if you correct them, you get written up. its lame, i know
Actually, I was pretty close to having that happen. My old Environmental Science teacher said that, and by then, we'd stopped trying to correct her. We'd just look at each other...
Max said: is a good place to start.

Some teachers at my school make me wonder as well.
The Algebra II honors teacher (My brother and a good friend has her) was doing division upside down... as in 3/6= 2.
The Civics teacher is incapable of grading quizzes, and asks questions she never taught us on them. One worksheet she made had this (or close enough)
"Nintendo sells 1.7 million Wii systems for $503,000,000" We were supposed to tell what that meant (marginal cost, total cost, marginal revenue, total revenue, etc...)
Me and my friend (same one as above. She's pretty smart, and I make good grades too) put total revenue. It's how much money Nintendo raked in, isn't it?
Nope. The teacher-approved answer was total cost. Nintendo must've used $503 million to make those Wiis. (1 wii= $250. 2 million wiis= $500 million). Me and my friend just look at each other whenever a decision like that is made.

If in fact nothing is lost in the translation and the above occurred, what you should have done, and still do, is call her on her bullshit, and demand credit for your correct answer. If she has a problem with that, take it to her supervisor/the principal/whomever would be appropriate as her supervisory level and show it to them and complain. If she is that incredibly stupid she has no business teaching school and should go apply for a job that entails repetitive recitation of the phase "would you like fries with that"? Get your parents involved if need be, but NEVER accept ANYTHING so obviously, patently wrong from a teacher, and always escalate it up her food chain as necessary...
Listen lets get one thing straight here -


No exclamation point needed.  Life is not fair.   So your have moron teachers - so did I, so did Jack, and Gregg and Tonar and everybody else here who ever went to any sort of school.  No doubt you've had some great teachers too.  Hey, but remember, life is not fair.  I'm fifty one flippin years old, and I still get pissed off about crap I did in High School.  Answers I KNEW were right, and found out later were in fact right, but I was penalized for.  Pisses me off still to this day.  But then again.....


No exclamation point needed.  Life is what you make of it.  When your teacher is a moron, and you think you know better, politely show them why you think they are in error.  You can disagree, and maintain the respect of the position they hold.  If you get results that are not to your pleasing, bring the situation over their heads - complain to their boss.  Life is not fair for THEM either, and when you go to their boss something might just get done.  Get help too.  Why?  Because Life is what you make of it, and having help makes it easier.  Be prepared to go all the way though.  None of this wishy washy mambly mealy light in yer loafers crap.  Go all the way - but also - respect them, and respect that "they just might be right".  Keep an open mind because.....


To be a winner, you must make the best of what you have in an unfair situation, and learn from all the shortcomings, and do better next time.  There's no such thing as winning, unless you can also lose.  Failure is inevitable.  Fact of life.  Get off your duff, and do something about it.  You can fail over and over, and still be a winner if you finally succeed, and not let those failures win.  Remember, its been said....


Roughly, in faux Latin, "Don't let the bastards grind you down" (or alternately, "Those bastards cant gind me down!").

Enough of this self pity.  Go


Then when you've got it all worked out, assuming you're of the age of majority, have some Drambuie, and have them put it on my account (limit two).
I agree with ya CB... I'm an old fart myself and I'd give everything I have to go back in time to high school and be treated unfairly all over again!  Once you get over the fact that life is not fair you can finally start living.

if you really wanna lose faith in humanity, work with the general public (retail is always good)

and remember roughly half of the world is below average....
Okay, guys. I messed this thread up.

This is supposed to be a plug for It's a fun site to look at.