
How much do you practice?

Why feel lame? I wish I could play that much and had the drive to do it. There was a time when I wanted to go to MI. I don't think I could have dealt with being in LA though.

I have two boys, one 2 years old and one 2 months old. So I don't play nearly enough for my liking right now. But I hope that will change over time. I try to play about an hour a day. Some days I don't play at all but I try not to let it go for more than a day. I hate it if my calluses start getting soft. This summer I hope to do some more recording for the fun of it. I did a bunch this past fall and burnt out on it a little. I feel like after a little recharge I'll be ready to do my next "album" hahaha.
Well Honestly 10-12 hours a day isn't problem for me.. I could go 24 strait....

because here's the thing... I have 7 hours of class a day...

then I will come home and practice for a good 4-6 hours... it adds up.

Not counting gigs, Live playing Workshops and things of that nature.
I regret not doing more as a kid.

I struggle to get an hour in per day, but even then I don't "practice" strictly speaking.

I've just bought my first house so I'm entering a phase of entirely different DIY...

im palying and typing at the same time. 

the old man told me to practice atleast a half an hour after school, then again a few hours later.
i play for a good 45 to when ever he yells at me to stop before i melt the strings with my awesome fury, (of suckitude)
now i forgot the point of this post.
oh yeah, some times i get to practice during lunch, depends on how brings there acoustic.

im on spring break, so when ever i can get away with it. currently working on chord progression and nuclear fusion. 