I have a Fender Player Plus HSS Stratocaster and I want to mod it. There is a push/pull pot for tone 2 which splits the bridge humbucker. Is there any wiring diagram that activates the bridge pickup in all positions when it is split? If I try to do a one wire connection between the pot and switch it just grounds out. Here’s what I want…
When push/pull is activated:
Pos 1: Split Humbucker
Pos 2: Split Humbucker + middle
Pos 3: Split Humbucker + middle
Pos 4: Split Humbucker + middle + neck
Pos 5: Split Humbucker + neck
When push/pull is activated:
Pos 1: Split Humbucker
Pos 2: Split Humbucker + middle
Pos 3: Split Humbucker + middle
Pos 4: Split Humbucker + middle + neck
Pos 5: Split Humbucker + neck