


Senior Member
I just opened the control cavity of my new Jaguar shortscale bass, and I saw that only one of the lugs has a connection, but the electronics work fine! Did Squier find a loophole in electronic physics?

Also, it isn't shielded at all, but I haven't noticed any radio interference when plugged in. Should I bother putting in a bunch of shielding tape on this one or my soon-to-come Warmoth guitar?
One lug on what?

If you're talking about the output jack, it is traditional to use the control plate as a means of grounding all pots and the jack.
There are arguments for and against doing this, as the connections are mechanical (Not soldered.), and thus, subject to corrode and become unreliable over time.
My personal opinion is that this method of grounding is fine, because by the time there is an issue, it will have been time to replace your parts anyways.
Tweed said:
Should I bother putting in a bunch of shielding tape on this one or my soon-to-come Warmoth guitar?

Shielding usually doesn't do much of anything, but I see no reason why every instrument shouldn't be shielded anyways.
It's easy and inexpensive, just somewhat of a PITA to do.
AutoBat said:
If you admit there are no problems, why are you searching for solutions?
because this is the internet, and we can get anything on the net, just ask anyone,  Oh I looked inside of something and knowing nothing at a;; about it I noticed something, however there is nothing wrong, there fore instead of going to a shop and paying to find out if it is normal for nothing to be wrong with something I do not understand, I wall ask the experts online for free.
Uber loud mouth and suber nice guy with great hair said:
AutoBat said:
If you admit there are no problems, why are you searching for solutions?
because this is the internet, and we can get anything on the net, just ask anyone,  Oh I looked inside of something and knowing nothing at a;; about it I noticed something, however there is nothing wrong, there fore instead of going to a shop and paying to find out if it is normal for nothing to be wrong with something I do not understand, I wall ask the experts online for free.

Heheh true and always smart to save money, but one must always be careful getting advice from online... "experts".  :laughing7:
This threw me off the first time I cracked open a Jaguar as well. It seems wrong, but I suppose you are technically creating a ground loop if you ground the output jack through the plate and with a wire. I can't imagine the difference would ever be noticable, though. There shouldn't be any difference in potential between the two grounds. If it were mine I would probably go ahead and solder a wire to the ground lug just in case the jack ever became loose during a show.
bob7point7 said:
This threw me off the first time I cracked open a Jaguar as well. It seems wrong, but I suppose you are technically creating a ground loop if you ground the output jack through the plate and with a wire. I can't imagine the difference would ever be noticable, though. There shouldn't be any difference in potential between the two grounds. If it were mine I would probably go ahead and solder a wire to the ground lug just in case the jack ever became loose during a show.

The difference is extremely small, to the point that it cannot cause any problems. DO NOT EVER buy into the ground loop and "star ground" nonsense you see around the internet. It's all bullshit.
line6man said:
bob7point7 said:
This threw me off the first time I cracked open a Jaguar as well. It seems wrong, but I suppose you are technically creating a ground loop if you ground the output jack through the plate and with a wire. I can't imagine the difference would ever be noticable, though. There shouldn't be any difference in potential between the two grounds. If it were mine I would probably go ahead and solder a wire to the ground lug just in case the jack ever became loose during a show.

The difference is extremely small, to the point that it cannot cause any problems. DO NOT EVER buy into the ground loop and "star ground" nonsense you see around the internet. It's all bullshite.
the difference is nothing at all, untill you get corrosion, and that is not long, remember electricity takes the easiest path, and a it travels the surface of a conductor, the air can cause corrosion. It may be a minor thing but 5 years down the road the step they use to save a few dollars in labor is something you will have to deal with. 30 minutes finding a piece of wire and a using a solder gun for 2 minutes will make a bullet proof connection.
However, until then, a ground is a ground is a ground and all they have done is saved a few dollars by not doing a simple step