
Honey Badger Pickups


Hero Member
After several years of building pickups utilized in our bass offerings, and due to a steadily increasing demand from other builders, it was decided to spin off the pickups into their own vertical entity. And so Honey Badger Pickups was born


Specializing in bass pickups for the immediate future, we'll eventually begin to add guitar pickups to our available offerings as we have something worthy to offer

all the best,

created a nice audio utilizing a brand new Affinity PJ 4-string

- record utilizing the stock pickups

- swap out for a set of Honey Badger PJ modern wind set, then record again utilizing the identical signal chain

you can hear it for yourself here: https://soundcloud.com/honeybadgerpickups/honey-badger-replacement-pickups

similar to the PJsplit set here, but with a single-coil J: http://honeybadgerpickups.com/pj-split-coil-set

should be available on the website within the next couple of days
and for a little bit of fun, a few of our endorsing artists helped in our first video

we had the Affinity PJ4 (used in the soundclip links posted previously) at the booth this past week, and the response from those experiencing HB pickups for the first time was consistent - the great majority were quite familiar with the stock pickup sound, and seeing their facial expression when playing their first lick in a Honey Badger loaded Affinity was priceless. many who said they had 30 seconds tops were still playing 5-10 minutes later, and commenting on how incredibly amazing the tone was. by Sat we had a constant stream of well known session players hitting the booth and asking to hear for themselves why their peers were buzzing about this new company and their pickups.

if even 15% of the OEM builder type handshakes and zero percent of the re-seller opportunities bear fruit, this is going to be an incredibly busy year for us. that said, it may significantly easier to get your hands on a set of Honey Badgers in Europe, Japan, and Australia in the not too distant future


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another order shipped out the door last week


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GA - not sure why you have an issue. there are many of us on the UW forum who have been here 'forever' and who have guitar building/finishing related businesses of some flavor or another. Do you also complain to Cagey, DangerousR6, DMRACO, Mayfly, etc ... about the posts they make of their business type activities? I'm guessing not (and I'm not interested enough to waste the time searching to discover the answer)

Sorry you missed an opportunity to ask questions and discover more on how pickups are made, or what I might be doing to achieve consistency from one pickup set to another. Even a fun discussion on why I chose one wire over another, and what the overall impact was on tonality could have made for an enlightening conversation. But when pecking away on your keyboard today you chose not to ... too bad

all the best,


p.s. You might want to look at my profile, and see that I've been here on this 'new and improved' version of the UW forum since it moved over from the former site (and I was on the former site since the early days) Go ahead, check the member list by date and you'll see I've been here longer than just about anybody whoever is still around from way back when the new forum went live in 2007.

I'd be here a lot more often than I am, but I'm rather busy winding pickups and making basses/guitars from big slabs of lumber out in the shop.

I really was just asking--perhaps my method was a bit more edgy than it should have been. Lord knows it ain't easy makin' a buck doing anything music-related, and indeed this site is made up of folks with various and assorted degrees of business related pursuits,all of whom are encouraging and
generous with their time and knowledge-a most friendly and positive atmosphere all too often missing on other forums...I truly would not want to stray from the vibe found here-I spoke too quickly, too
rudely, and I do apologize. In fact I only wish you all the best in an endeavor you are clearly passionate about, as we all are when it comes to this guitar stuff.
working thru the details to bring wooden covers into production.

Wenge Bart P2 sized cover for 5-string bass, and a Delano SBC-7 sized cover for 7-string bass.

Bart BC (4-string) and P4 (6-string) bass covers are also ready to go. EMG35/40/45 sized covers are next 


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Excellent work, SkuttleFunk. And its not like this is the Seymour-Duncan Forum or the D'Marzio Dungeon (or whatever they have over there). Last I checked, Warmoth was in the body/neck business. All of us are here to build partscasters, and I appreciate knowing what all of my pickup options are--even if I end up putting EMGs in my latest projects. And its also not like you drop in ads into every single thread.

If a lot of people feel like Great Ape does, perhaps a subforum for this sort of thing is in order?
Very cool. I will keep an oar in the water on the guitar pickups. Best wishes to you on your work. Making a living with your own hands is something we need to support in this country, and as a second time around player who sort of went from the '80s to 2010 when I started up again I was happy to find a good selection of people who thought they could either improve on what had been out there in the guitar playing world or give it a heck of a run for its money. Thanks.