

who are you? go away!  :icon_jokercolor:

haha nah, welcome to the board!  :icon_thumright:
First 'Hi' in a long time that hasn't turned out to be a spambot.

Welcome aboard.  :icon_thumright:
Welcome aboard. You can pay me your yearly membership fees to me now if you'd like. Just kidding.  :toothy11:

Would love to see some of your pics
I'm not meaning to delay posting pics but when I post them only a little box come up like the pic won't load but I'm working on it. :cool01:
Alrighty, here we are.

1st build.

Custom build 3rd or 4th, can't remember.


I've got lots more that I'll post later.

Thanks y'all, yeah, that neck pocket had to be HuGE to get the right t-bird look. :laughing11:

Street Avenger said:
No Strats? Teles? Soloists? LPs?  :dontknow:


Kramer KS w/ 3 jackson humbuckers soon to be coil-split.


My newest project.


Semi-hollow LP bass I built that was 25.5 scale but I didn't realize it was almost too long for me to reach where the neck sat and I'm 6'3 so needless to say It didn't work out.