
Hey - we're on the radio


Epic Member
Hi Folks,

Our first day of radio promotion has started, and we've already been picked up on light rotation at WKYA in Clarksville TN.

If you live nearby, it would be great if you could call into the station and request the song.  It's "Dangle" and the artist is "Cornflower Blue".

If the song is picked up anywhere else, I'll let everyone know. 

Thanks for your support,


P.S. what kind of station is this?  We're up on the AC format (Adult Contemporary) - not exactly cutting edge youth stuff, but then again, neither are we.  :icon_biggrin:
mayfly said:
Hi Folks,

Our first day of radio promotion has started, and we've already been picked up on light rotation at WKYA in Clarksville TN.

If you live nearby, it would be great if you could call into the station and request the song.  It's "Dangle" and the artist is "Cornflower Blue".

If the song is picked up anywhere else, I'll let everyone know. 

Thanks for your support,


P.S. what kind of station is this?  We're up on the AC format (Adult Contemporary) - not exactly cutting edge youth stuff, but then again, neither are we.  :icon_biggrin:

Ohh too bad I'm not in college anymore--I was a DJ on the student station for a year and a half, til graduation. I would have definitely put your stuff on the air. Marquette, Michigan is a small town, but very cosmopolitan, especially with the university crowd.
Do you have a clip of it you can upload on here? I'd love to hear it. What gear did you use when you recorded it?
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
mayfly said:
Well, having one song being played by one station is a long way from fame...

Uh, you didn't really answer the question. 

You had to go and point that out didn't you?  :)

Answer:  Who the hell knows?  If that happens, I have no idea how that will affect my personal life and how much time I'll have to be on boards like this.  But the chances of that happening are pretty slim, so I can safely say:  sure!  :icon_biggrin:
mayfly said:
Boner Face Deluxe said:
mayfly said:
Boner Face Deluxe?

a lirrle poke at Turbo's neighbor!!! :) I will change it back soon ;)

Actually, I had completely forgot all about that 'black' thing!  It was fun to be black for awhile  :)

yeah that was pretty funny... and really brilliant, better than Michael Jackson!