
Help neeeded from Gibson L6-S owners!


Junior Member
Does anyone know the overall length of a Gibson L6-S?

My long scale L6-S project has progressed to the point where I need to know if it's going to fit into a standard Gibson L6-S case, and then I need to go about the task of finding one! (I know, good luck with that! )

My L6-S project measures 39 1/8" from end to end.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to put a finish on this thing and play it! But I can't send it out for a finish without a case!
It means ask hero member "CB", or wait till he sees your post & can find a measuring tape. I'm pretty sure he's the guy with TWO of 'em... I've been lusting after a real one for years but not a real $1200 one or whatever the devils want these days. CB's all over the place, a senior studpuppy here, I'm sure he'll get to you eventually. :hello2:

There's one hanging in the pawn shop here in Green Bay. By the time I get out of work today, they will already be closed, but I'll measure for you tomorrow to see if I can get you an estimate.

It was built during the dark and horrid Norlin days--it has an all-maple bolt-on neck, and it comes with something that resembles a Tune-o-Matic, but its much clunkier and cheaper looking.
Graffiti, that is the "harmonica bridge" you speak of! LOL! It's actually pretty cool because the length of adjustment on that bridge is so long, you can mount it straight across the body without having to slant it. Looks cool that way.

Thank you so much for offering to measure the guitar. There are a couple of cases for sale on ebay but I don't want to buy one until I'm sure mine will fit. Mine is a 25 1/2" scale, but only 22 frets. The L6-S is a 24 3/4" scale but has 24 frets. I built mine so the end of the fret board is in the same spot as the original L6-S so it should be OK.

It will be fretted tomorrow and then I'll join the body to the neck. Getting close. Getting excited!


Hey Telenator--

I will try to sneak out as soon as I can to get a measurement of the body. The Mrs. went into the first stages of labor this morning, and is currently groovin' on the painkillers the doctor gave her. She feels the labor, but she really doesn't care at this point with that stuff in her. When she chases me out of here to grab her something from home, I'll stop at the pawnshop with my tape measure--I have to pass it to get home anyway, so it'll be right on my way.
Looks great so far, telenator, though I can't say I'm digging the 3 in-line knobs. Great beveling on the body though.

and Graffiti--- awesome! Congrats on the new family-member-to-be!
Great news on the little one grafitti, and thanks so much for your help!

nathan, that's the way an L6-S is made. 3 knobs. It's a little Strat-like in that regard. Those bevels were no joke to make. It looked simple enough at first but, keeping it perfectly flat with a perfectly straight break-over line is way more difficult to do by hand than one might think. That was the hardest part of the build so far.