
Hello from new member

turtle neck

Hi everyone, I have finally joined.  I think this is one of the best, most encouraging and helpful forums out there -- and with the coolest guitars, of course!

I've always liked building things, and nice wood grain, and played guitar all these years -- then one day in 2009 I found Warmoth and the exotic-wood no-finish necks ("play 'em raw").

The first one, canary with SS frets, hooked me hard, and I had to try a pau ferro, a padauk -- you get the idea.  Maybe some nicotine-like substance W rubs into them.

I now have several what I think are unique "Fenmoths" with F bodies and, well, turtle necks.  Warmoth custom pickguards made some different pickup combinations possible.  I also have one very nice Koa-top W body I've been delaying action on  -- finishing is my weak area.  Once figure out the pic-posting process I 'd like to share some of my bolt-on beauties.

Any advice on that process or recommended photo-sharing host to use, etc would be much appreciated.

Again it is great to finally be part of such a fine forum.  Thanks.     
Welcome to the addiction house  :icon_biggrin:

To post pic's via Photobucket here is a link on how it's done.

That should do the trick  :icon_thumright:

Now show us them pic's  :icon_biggrin:
Thanks Updown.  Haven't got to my profile entries yet, but I was in your great country for about half of 1988 -- the friends, the fun, the fair dinkum!

Congrats on that beautiful prizewinning 'bird of yours.
Welcome aboard.  Fenmoths are also referred to as Halfmoths, but that is a bit more an umbrella name.  It sounds like you have already started in the insanity, so welcome to Warmoholic's Anonymous.  Try the Wenge, it is nice this time of year...

Hello turtle neck,

a warm welcome from me as well. Enjoy your stay here - everyday and as mentioned before Warmoth has an addiction potential.

turtle neck said:
Hi everyone, I have finally joined.  I think this is one of the best, most encouraging and helpful forums out there -- and with the coolest guitars, of course!

I've always liked building things, and nice wood grain, and played guitar all these years -- then one day in 2009 I found Warmoth and the exotic-wood no-finish necks ("play 'em raw").

The first one, canary with SS frets, hooked me hard, and I had to try a pau ferro, a padauk -- you get the idea.  Maybe some nicotine-like substance W rubs into them.

I now have several what I think are unique "Fenmoths" with F bodies and, well, turtle necks.  Warmoth custom pickguards made some different pickup combinations possible.  I also have one very nice Koa-top W body I've been delaying action on  -- finishing is my weak area.  Once figure out the pic-posting process I 'd like to share some of my bolt-on beauties.

Any advice on that process or recommended photo-sharing host to use, etc would be much appreciated.

Again it is great to finally be part of such a fine forum.  Thanks.   
