HCP Humbucker Control Pot


Senior Member
Anyone seen these HCP Humbucker control pots?


I'm curious how well they work and how they compare to other switching methods. I'm putting together ideas for a Les Paul, and was thinking of doing Jimmy Page wiring or something similar, but this sounds pretty cool.

It has two modes - in TAP mode:
...rotating the pot counterclockwise fades from HUMBUCKERS to OUTER Coils (HB1 South coil & HB2 North coil). Pulling the HCP control up and rotating it counterclockwise fades from HUMBUCKERS to INNER Coils (HB1 North coil & HB2 South coil).

And there's another mode, called coil filter mode which sounds basically like it applies a low-pass filter to only one coil of the humbucker. In that mode:
turning the HCP control applies varying amounts of a specially tuned high frequency filter to only one coil of the selected coils of the humbuckers (either North or South coils can be filtered). This makes each pickup a single coil at high frequencies and a humbucker at lower frequencies which produces a sound similar to a pair of single coils but with a stronger, fuller tone and 50% less noise than coil tapping.

So with this one pot, and a three way switch, you can do the normal humbucker options, any one of the single coils on their own, inners, or outers - and even blend them, doing outers + half of inners, or other stuff like that. Not sure if it's possible to do parallel type stuff as well - then again, I could try to figure out the switching myself if I wanted to do that.

Anyone used these? What do you think about the idea?
SustainerPlayer said:
Sounds cool and gadgetish. But do you need the extra variety of sounds?
Do I NEED them? Well, about as much as I NEED another guitar :laughing11: I just like being able to play around with knobs. I build pedals too, and I usually end up adding tons of knobs that I don't need there too.  And this would actually simplify things a little bit, I think.
The coil filter mode is likely what I call "G&L series" - when you put the dual coil PU on a G&L bass in series mode it also inserts a cap to ground between the 2 coils, so the high frequencies just go through the first coil then to ground.

Whether it would be worth bothering with probably depends entirely on the PU's used.