DangerousR6 said:
You guys crack me up, any guitar you build is a moving billboard in one fashion or another. Whether it's on the headstock the pickups the bridge, any big name parts maker has their name on it somewhere..
I must say tho, I like them all, even the tele bridge and I've never like tele bridges...
Dont get me wrong here. I dont mind seeing a bowtie on a Chevy since they made the car. Just don't write it in huge letters over half of the car. If Keystone wants to put their name across my hood, even if it's one of their Good Hoods...it'll cost them....just like Nascar.
If they want to stamp a small logo on the underside of the bridge, I'm OK with that. Don't emblaze it over the entire part. From the looks of it, that logo is larger than the word Gibson or Fender on my store bought guitars.