
Has anyone built a guitar/bass with this wood combo


Junior Member
Does anybody have pics of the following combo, doesn't matter what body shape etc.

Black Korina with the Black - Red - Yellow burst


With a Goncalo Alves fretboard (Found the image on this site, all credit to original poster)


I have a black Korina Thinline with a Goncalo Neck.. ... but it has a rosewood top and a (brazillian) rosewood FB... 
that would be very nice.  But be careful.  Some Black Korina contains larger black spots or is not as "clean" as the sample you provided.  Depending on the look you are after, you could either be thrilled or disappointed.  That sample does not look much different than an highly grained ALDER.
That would be my Goncalo Alves fingerboard. :blob7:
I have that neck on a sunburst Squier body made of Agathis, which really isn't too dissimilar to Black Korina under a sunburst.

Keep in mind that raw Goncalo looks very different than finished Goncalo, though.
line6man...that looks awesome.  Love the copper-top!  I like that one better than the black one!

BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!
DMRACO said:
line6man...that looks awesome.  Love the copper-top!  I like that one better than the black one!

BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:
line6man said:
DMRACO said:
line6man...that looks awesome.  Love the copper-top!  I like that one better than the black one!

BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:

understood.  What type of guard  was on that?
DMRACO said:
BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

I can't see finishing any fretboard, which is the main reason I'll never have a maple 'board. But the neck? I don't have a problem with any kind of finish on there. Clear, tinted, opaque, satin or gloss. They're all fine. Raw is nice, too. I've had them all and really have no preference, although if I could only have one, I'd have to pick gloss. It's the safest and most practical, and always looks good.
Maybe makes the fretless sound a bit different/smoother to move along neck, not sure  :dontknow:
line6man said:
It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:

I forgot about epoxy. Did you finish that, or have it done? Also, was it finished before or after fretting? Does anybody finish necks before fretting? If I could get epoxy on a neck before fretting, I'd be tempted to get a maple 'board someday.

Edit: Never mind. I didn't realize it wasn't fretted. Although, if anybody knows the answer to those questions, I'd appreciate some answers/observations.
DMRACO said:
line6man said:
DMRACO said:
line6man...that looks awesome.  Love the copper-top!  I like that one better than the black one!

BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:

understood.  What type of guard  was on that?
I normally have a black pickguard on it, but I pulled it so I could put my homemade buffer and battery in the unused pickup cavity. When I ever get around to routing a proper cavity for the battery, I'll get the pickguard back on.

Cagey said:
DMRACO said:
BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

I can't see finishing any fretboard, which is the main reason I'll never have a maple 'board. But the neck? I don't have a problem with any kind of finish on there. Clear, tinted, opaque, satin or gloss. They're all fine. Raw is nice, too. I've had them all and really have no preference, although if I could only have one, I'd have to pick gloss. It's the safest and most practical, and always looks good.

Raw necks FTW, but as far as fingerboards and fretboards go, I don't feel them when I play, so I don't care if they are raw or finished.
The neckback does have a tinted gloss finish, because I bought it before I discovered the awesomeness of raw necks.

SolomonHelsing said:
Maybe makes the fretless sound a bit different/smoother to move along neck, not sure  :dontknow:

The epoxy is like a hard rubber type of material that resists fingerboard wear from roundwound strings. It also makes the tone a bit brighter and more lyrical.

Cagey said:
line6man said:
It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:

I forgot about epoxy. Did you finish that, or have it done? Also, was it finished before or after fretting? Does anybody finish necks before fretting? If I could get epoxy on a neck before fretting, I'd be tempted to get a maple 'board someday.

Edit: Never mind. I didn't realize it wasn't fretted. Although, if anybody knows the answer to those questions, I'd appreciate some answers/observations.

It was done professionally.

I can't think of any possible reason to epoxy an neck with frets. It would serve no purpose, and the frets probably wouldn't even be able to seat properly, due to the thickness and softness of the epoxy coating.
I wouldn't want to epoxy just any neck - but a maple neck needs a hard finish, and I'd want something that could stand up to the mechanical abuse of playing. In my experience, epoxy isn't soft at all - quite the opposite. It's very hard, which leads me to believe it would make a good fretboard finish if you had to have one. But, I wouldn't want it on the frets and I don't think it would be as easy to get off as lacquer or poly.
line6man said:
That would be my Goncalo Alves fingerboard. :blob7:
I have that neck on a sunburst Squier body made of Agathis, which really isn't too dissimilar to Black Korina under a sunburst.

Keep in mind that raw Goncalo looks very different than finished Goncalo, though.

Cool.  :icon_thumright:

I really like that combo of the burst with that type of fretboard wood choice. Flows nicely.
line6man said:
DMRACO said:
line6man...that looks awesome.  Love the copper-top!  I like that one better than the black one!

BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:

Did Warmoth make that neck with the Goncalo Alves fingerboard?
Miskatonic said:
line6man said:
DMRACO said:
line6man...that looks awesome.  Love the copper-top!  I like that one better than the black one!

BTW...why anyone would finish Goncalo alves is beyond me!

It's epoxy, not Poly. :blob7:

Did Warmoth make that neck with the Goncalo Alves fingerboard?

Yes. It was a showcase item that I bought almost 3 years ago now.