This was an annual tradition in our fraternity. We moved Festivus back to the 22nd to allow us to have the 23rd to recover from the festivities, nurse our hangovers and travel home to wherever for Christmas. Since one of our past brothers had put a stripper pole very generic pole in the living room years ago, we already had the decorations in place. Being fraternity cook, it was my job to make the meal that the "airing of grievances" was to take place over. Luckily, the only one to air grievance about me was the president of the fraternity, who often times was tempted by something I'd make with a lot of cheese in it throughout the course of the year, and him being simply too stupid to say no, knowing full in well he was very much lactose intolerant. After a couple of hours of eating and liquid fortification, the "feats of strength" were next, and usually involved the two who were the most liquored up and in various reserve branches of our armed forces. Having both USMC reservists and Army reservists made for an interesting environment, and, once, a trip to the ER for a broken nose. Since leaving, I was happy to hear that part of the rush video package was the episode of "Seinfeld" explaining the holiday, as to ensure that the tradition lived on.