
Happy Birthday to me

hannaugh said:
Okay well today I decided I want the Blues Deluxe.  I like it a lot more than the Deville actually.  The only problem is that I want a used one, and for some reason Hot Rod Devilles start out being more expensive than the Blues Deluxe, but all the used Blues Deluxes I can find are way more expensive than the used Devilles.  Wtf?  I was all excited because I wanted the less expensive amp, then I look around and I can only find people who want $675 for a used amp that retails at $700-749.  What gives?  All the Devilles are around $450, so I was expecting the Blues to be $400.  Lame.  If I buy I new one, I won't have any cash left over, and I really want some left over so I can get something else too (like... an attenuator).

Thats because HRDs have a notorious reputation for reliability.
I've got one too; now let the modding begin!!!!

1.) Sounds much mo' better with a Celestion Vintage 30 in there.
2.) You can play around swapping the pre-amp tubes to get slightly different voicings.
3.) For something completely different, swap all 3 pre-amp tunes with ECC-83's and install an EL84 duet in Substi-Tube or YellowJacket adapters for the 6L6's and you'll have a 15-20 watter that sounds distinctly "Marshally".
Hey that's a great catch Hannaugh!  :blob7: :blob7: :blob7:

May I suggest that as it's a used amp with some use behind it, when you can afford it, a full tube swap out. Any idea how old the tubes are? And a bias adjustment if necessary too. Should bring out the sound greatly.