
Halfway Through and I Have A Question or Two

Finally got the neck finished--Tru-Oil--and have the frets dressed, nut roughed in, and tuning machines in place. I think it looks pretty good. (See pics below.) So anyway, I've now turned my attention to the body. Tonight I stained the top, so far so good, but there is a problem. I masked off a natural binding ala PRS with some 1/4" vinyl pinstriping tape and I had some bleed through...pretty bad in a few spots. So here are my questions:

Q#1: What is (are) the best method(s) for cleaning these up? I'm using StewMac dyes, water-based. Blue on the maple top, tobacco brown on the alder back.
Q#2: I have yet to stain the back and sides (a different color), my impulse is to wait until after I've done that before I start cleaning things up. Does that seem reasonable? Or should I address these issues as they arise?

Thanks for any help/recommendations you might have to offer. This is my first build and so far I've muddled through. Making lots of mistakes, but luckily most have been easy to correct: elbow grease mostly. Hope this the the case as well with the binding.

Oh, yes, here's the neck. Really like the way this turned out.

No worries! Went with the obvious and used a scraper. It cleaned up nicely. Now I have to wait until next weekend to stain the back. Bummer.
Thanks. Yes, Tru-Oiled the whole thing--about a dozen very, very thin coats--and then polished with micro-mesh pads down to 12000. I was surprised that the oil finish took the gloss that it did, but in retrospect I guess it isn't so surprising. I mean, it's a hard finish, why wouldn't it? Anyway, I'm pretty happy with it. Pretty cool when things work out the way they are supposed to;-)