
Guitar picks to avoid micro plastics?

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Junior Member
Guitar players who use plastic picks must have a huge amount of micro platics in their body. How can a guitar player avoid this?
You can also try alternative material picks


Yikes! Plastic in my bloodstream. Thanks, one more thing to worry about.
Almost every material in your cell phone is more dangerous than your guitar pick. Is that gonna prevent you from using your cell phone? Of course not! So don't worry about guitar picks. Worry about inflation, WWIII, and AI taking your job.
There are only 2 players who have gone without a pick successfully and they are both listed in this thread. 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

Dont forget Andy from Pro Guitar Shop. Drives me mad that the guy has so much credit as a demo guy when he doesnt USE A PICK!! "Hi Im Andy from ProGuitarShop want to hear what this definitely wont sound like through your rig because use you a pick like 99.99999999999% of the electric guitar players? Then waste your time watching this video and making gear decisions based on nothing!"

Yeah I have a rage about this because I watched tons of content from him before I figured out why everything he played sounded way warmer than I could manage.
It was the day someone told me to listen to Jeff Beck. That’s when I put down the pick. Unless I’m playing electric.. have to make that thing wail! Warmoth picks are a good option and feel for me. 👍
I would like to add one of my all-time favorite players Toy Caldwell to that list.
There are only 2 verified guitarists who play without a pick. Am I ignoring the vast tradition of classical guitar, not to mention the countless modern guitarists who expertly play fingerstyle? Yes, that's what this facetious posting is all about.

Guitarists who play without pick:
Jhimmie Vahan
Geoff Beqq
I think I would be more concerned about the microplastics in the water and food supply and everything else like soap and cologne, laundry detergent. But on the plus side I did get the unfinished neck I’m sure that will counteract my pick so I’m back to even.
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