
Guitar/Bass of the Month for June: Owner finished..VOTE NOW

who should win?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Orpheo said:
I voted metalman. For me, thats the nicest finish. most others were oil-finish, and the other 'color' finishes didn't do it for me  :binkybaby:

you are supposed to support your fellow dutchman! ;)
I voted for blue313 also because I know it took a lot of time and effort to get that top looking the way it does. Awesome color scheme.  :icon_thumright:
Oh man, I just realized I have the winner for next month... you'll see when I nominate it.  It's not mine, it belongs to a lapsed forum regular... and it remains my favorite :)
Death by Uberschall said:
NonsenseTele said:
End of context, next month TT is already the winner :icon_thumright:

What's this magical TT guitar that has the ranks all fired up???  :icon_biggrin:

i'd like to know too... i searched around but didn't find anything
ha, look for Troubled Treble in the finished strat section.

Black Korina with Ziricote neck.. Extremely sexy!!